LAWTON, Oklahoma (PNN) - February 6, 2023 - Another week, another defeat for the gun-grabbers. A federal law barring marijuana users from owning and possessing firearms has been ruled unconstitutional.
FPSA ban on marijuana users owning guns ruled unconstitutional
Unspeakable evil is happening all over Amerika right now
OAKLAND, Kalifornia (PNN) - February 5, 2023 - More children are being sexually victimized in the Fascist Police States of Amerika (FPSA) than ever before in our entire history. In our society today, very young children are being constantly bombarded with extremely sick and twisted sexual messaging on television, in the movies, on the Internet, and in their classrooms. What we are doing to Amerika’s children is beyond criminal, and if we do not reverse course our nation is not going to have a future. Every society throughout history that has violated children like we are violating them has fallen. If you actually believe that we will be able to get away with our heinous crimes, you are just being delusional.
Mother sues after toddler forced into pride march in school
LONDON, England (PNN) - February 2, 2023 - Izoduwa Montague, a Christian mother from South London, has initiated legal proceedings against Heavers Farm Primary School, her son’s school. This comes after her four-year-old son was made to join the school’s LGBT Pride march. Montague was surprised when the school regime wouldn’t let her son opt out of the event based on the family’s religious convictions. The situation was made worse when the teacher with whom she spoke was wearing a shirt with the message, “Why be racist, sexist, homophobic, or transphobic when you could just be quiet?”
The Philosophy of Liberty
When you hear Patriot Dr. Ron Paul say that he stands for the Philosophy of Liberty, this is what he means. The philosophy of liberty is based on self-ownership. This simple but elegant and hard-hitting animation will explain exactly what that means. It's a great tool anyone can use to educate children and adults about our right to life, liberty, and the property we create - and our responsibility to think, speak and act.
Connecticut terrorist pig thug cops arrest parents for letting their children walk freely
KILLINGLY, Connecticut (PNN) - February 1, 2023 - Terrorist pig thug cops in Connecticut arrested the parents of two children for simply allowing them to walk unaccompanied to a doughnut shop.
Commentary: It matters not whether there is a king or president - tyranny all
by Gary D. Barnett
January 23, 2023 - Conservatives, ‘liberals,’ Republicans, Democrats, confused constitution lovers, and every political type, unite against me, for I have blasphemed the holy grail that is political worship. That worship is of the State as idolized by Amerikan nationalists who believe that this country is special, different than any other, and
exceptional. We are better because we have a president instead of a king. We are unique because we have a republic, not a democracy. We are exceptional because we are the freest country on earth. God is on our side. Such pathetic gullibility, insane nationalism, and ignorance deserves no respect whatsoever, but it does require that the proletariat majority be made up of captured sheep. This fully indoctrinated population has been consumed by dependence on the State, and due to that dependence, irresponsibility, and
self-pity, the resulting character of this society is one of violence, immorality, and indifference.
Dying cancer patient in hospice arrested for cannabis possession
HAYS, Kansas (PNN) - January 18, 2023 - Fascist government agents got a tip that a Kansas man literally dying of terminal cancer was self-medicating with cannabis to ease his excruciating pain. They leapt into action to save the day and deliver justice to the criminal.
Commentary: Refuse to comply with unconstitutional laws
by Andrew Wallace
January 16, 2023 - I have never advocated the use of force to overthrow a government, even this one, which is neither legitimate nor constitutional. I have nothing but contempt for most Legislators and “officials”, as they have sold out We The People and destroyed our Republic.
Fascist German court seeks to unlawfully force COVID-19 vaccine on Holocaust survivor
STUTTGART, Germany (PNN) - January 15, 2023 - A fascist court in the German city of Stuttgart, in the state of Baden-Württemberg, is seeking to unlawfully force - in direct violation of the Nuremberg Codes – poisonous COVID-19 jabs for an 85-year-old Jewish composer and a Holocaust survivor, sparking outrage among German journalists and one Jewish community leader. A regional court has overruled the decision.
Sheriffs in 80 Illinois counties say they will not enforce assault weapons ban
SPRINGFIELD, Illinois (PNN) - January 15, 2023 - Sheriffs in 80 Illinois counties are making
clear they will not enforce the bogus “assault weapons” ban Democrat Governor J.B. Pritzker signed into law on Tuesday.
The “assault weapons” ban targets commonly owned semiautomatic rifles and requires those who already own such rifles to register them with the Illinois State terrorist pig thug cops.