Merchandiser claims no one is buying Anheuser-Busch products

Submitted by Freedomman on Thu, 04/13/2023 - 16:26

ST. LOUIS, Missouri (PNN) - April 8, 2023 - In a video that is going viral on Twitter, a merchandiser and Anheuser-Busch affiliate claims that no one is buying the products and his business is suffering as a result.

In the video he says he has never seen so little sales as in the last few days. He laments the fact that when people don’t buy the beer, he doesn’t make money and can’t feed his family.

CBS staffer assaults independent journalist outside Trump arraignment

Submitted by Freedomman on Thu, 04/13/2023 - 16:22

Says he will kill Trump supporters.

NEW YORK (PNN) - April 5, 2023 - An outlaw CBS News staffer was filmed brutally attacking independent journalist Oren Levy outside President Donald J. Trump’s arraignment in New York on Tuesday.

Brainwashing victims seek to hold government accountable for CIA MK Ultra experiments

Submitted by Freedomman on Thu, 04/13/2023 - 16:17

MONTREAL, Quebes, Canada (PNN) - April 5, 2023 - Some 70 years after the CIA conducted secret brainwashing experiments on unsuspecting, innocent civilians - including some that involved the use of dangerous, psychotropic drugs like LSD - victims are still attempting to hold the Fascist Police States of Amerika government responsible for its actions.

Wyoming 5th graders learn marksmanship using school gym for gun range

Submitted by Freedomman on Thu, 04/13/2023 - 16:07

THERMOPOLIS, Wyoming (PNN) - February 17, 2023 - Fifth graders in Wyoming’s Hot Springs County School District #1 took marksmanship courses in early February using air rifles in a make-shift gun range in their school gym.

Trump rages while DeSantis refuses to extradite

Submitted by Freedomman on Thu, 04/06/2023 - 14:02

McCarthy cries injustice over bogus indictment.

NEW YORK (PNN) - March 31, 2023 – “This is Political Persecution and Election
Interference at the highest level in history. From the time I came down the golden escalator at Trump Tower, and even before I was sworn in as your President of the United States, the
Radical Left Democrats - the enemy of the hardworking men and women of this country - have been engaged in a Witch-Hunt to destroy the Make America Great Again movement. You remember it just like I do: Russia, Russia, Russia; the Mueller Hoax; Ukraine, Ukraine, Ukraine; Impeachment Hoax 1; Impeachment Hoax 2; the illegal and unconstitutional Mar-a-Lago raid; and now this.

Battles on the streets of Paris as riot cops attack protesters

Submitted by Freedomman on Thu, 04/06/2023 - 13:27

PARIS, France (PNN) - March 28, 2023 - Fed-up citizens brought violence to the streets of France today - days after a state visit by King Charles was cancelled because of the riots.

Up to a million people joined Tuesday's marches against fascist dictator President Emmanuel Macron raising the retirement age from 62 to 64 without a Parliamentary vote.

Commentary: What is government?

Submitted by Freedomman on Thu, 03/30/2023 - 17:40

by Eric Peters

March 26, 2023 - Government takes many forms (monarchy, democracy, etc.), but they all come down to the same thing: other people you don’t want in your life.

Except that unlike ordinary people you’d rather have nothing to do with - and so don’t - government people have the power to make sure you cannot avoid having to deal with them. They are thus the enemies of society, which is people coming together freely to deal with one another in ways mutually agreeable, according to rules rather than laws.

James O’Keefe launches brand new venture after leaving Project Veritas

Submitted by Freedomman on Thu, 03/30/2023 - 17:28

MAMARONECK, New York (PNN) - March 16, 2023 - On Wednesday, James O’ Keefe launched a new media organization called “O’ Keefe Media Group”.

Commentary: Arrest that corpse

Submitted by Freedomman on Thu, 03/30/2023 - 17:24

by Eric Peters

March 15, 2023 - An interesting thing about government - about government workers - is that they can legally do things that would be criminal under the law if we were to do them.

This begs the question about the morality of what government does, unless one takes the position that legality and morality are synonymous; in which case it is hard to understand why the leaders of National Socialist Germany were prosecuted after World War II, given that the crimes they were charged with weren’t criminal under Nazi law.

Tens of thousands of Dutch farmers protest in The Hague

Submitted by Freedomman on Thu, 03/30/2023 - 17:11

“Resist much, obey little!”

THE HAGUE, Netherlands (PNN) - March 13, 2023 - Tens of thousands of Dutch citizens came out to protest the WEF-inspired campaign against Dutch farmers on Saturday in The Hague, under the motto “Vote Them Out”. Local elections will be held on Wednesday, as the upstart Farmer’s Party BBB looks poised to trounce the ruling Party of RINO Prime Minister Mark Rutte.