The Grand Asylum

Submitted by Freedomman on Thu, 01/04/2024 - 12:37

by Brent Johnson

The world has literally become an insane asylum, where basic values have been turned upside down, wrong has become right, and lies have become truth.

In today’s world, almost all governments are acting like dictators, viewing their citizens as subjects who must obey the despotic edicts of frequently unelected individuals who seek to rule the world, or at least their small portion of it.

Whatever the power-hungry tyrants want is declared to be the truth, even though it is a lie.  The world exists in a constant state of emergency in which the people are told they must sacrifice their freedoms to accommodate the emergency state of affairs that exists.  The world is ruled by emergency powers, and authoritarian dictates are enforced by mandates imposed on ordinary people by unelected individuals.

In New Mexico, United States, Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham has imposed an unconstitutional and therefore invalid emergency executive order that suspends the fundamental guarantee that all Americans possess - the right to keep and bear firearms for their own defense, the defense of their family, friends and fellow citizens, and the defense of their county. The governor has broken the law and the state legislature is starting the process to file impeachment charges against her.

However, Governor Gresham stated in no uncertain terms that her oath of office is “not absolute”, meaning that if she decides it is worthwhile, she can ignore her oath and the law, and do whatever she thinks is best. According to Governor Gresham, she can do anything at all she wants to do.
That is the definition of a dictator.

The 2020 national election for president of the United States was stolen by electronic manipulation, fraudulent vote counts, and misrepresentation by officials in numerous American states. Today, a pretender - Joe Biden - sits in the White House.  Biden has successfully destroyed the United States from the inside and continues to ignore the Rule of Law while bargaining with the Chinese Communist Party to undermine the very fabric of a country whose principals are based on individual freedom.  This continues even though the U.S. military has proof that the 2020 election was stolen.

Meanwhile, the American people allow it to continue.

In Brazil, President Jair Bolsonaro was actually reelected as president, but the election was technologically stolen, and a convicted criminal - Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva - was inserted into the Brazilian presidency, where he has installed Marxist propaganda and Communist dictates against the wishes of the general population.

Meanwhile, the Brazilian people allow it to continue.

The European Union has taken over control of the countries located on the continent of Europe. This body of unelected officials dictates policies and procedures for all the countries within its sphere
of influence.  Only recently has Hungary, in an example of resistance, refused to go along with many of the EU’s authoritarian dictates.

Meanwhile, the people of the European countries allow it to continue.

The Fascist United Kingdom has never forgotten that it was established as a kingdom in which the people are the subjects of the dictatorial edicts issued by the king or queen.  It continues to enact
dictatorial laws.  The City of London recently established - by dictate, not through elected representatives - Ultra Low Emission Zones (ULEZ) throughout the city. In these zones, vehicles that are holding approved emission control certificates are receiving citations of 12.50 pounds because their emissions are automatically determined to be higher than the arbitrarily established levels in these areas.

Many people refuse to pay these arbitrary tickets, in which case they are fined an additional 258 pounds, which they still refuse to pay.  Additionally, an organization called Blade Runners has made it their mission to dismantle all the cameras that are photographing motorists and then issuing these tickets to motorists.  Reportedly, 95% of the cameras have been removed,
dismantled or disabled.

Meanwhile, most of the people in the Fascist United Kingdom allow it to continue.

Numerous elected and appointed officials in the EU, FUK, United States, China, India, Israel, Saudi Arabia, and numerous other countries around the world have taken the position that any information that contradicts or challenges the dictatorial edicts or positions of tyrannical governments is misinformation and needs to be censored.  The God-given right to free speech is being attacked throughout the world. Ordinary people are being threatened with imprisonment if they speak out against government tyranny.

Meanwhile, the people of the world allow it to continue.

Climate change is being used as a justification for countless infringements of fundamental rights all over the world, even though many ecologists and climate scientists have proven that climate change is not a threat to the general population, nor is it caused by humans. Despite this, tyrants are using climate change as an excuse to further subject the people of the world to draconian restrictions on their liberties.

Meanwhile, the people of the world allow it to continue.

God created humans as men and women, boys and girls.  He established that each human is either a male or a female.  Yet deviant transgender ideology, which proclaims that a human may decide that he or she can be a different gender than the gender in which he or she was born, is being
endlessly promoted by governments seeking to use this deviant ideology as a way to further encroach upon the freedoms of the people.

Kalifornia has passed a patently unconstitutional law claiming that parents who refuse to accept deviant transgenderism ideology - in which their children may declare themselves to be a gender that they are not - may be imprisoned.  Furthermore, parents who do not call male children “she” or female children “he” if the child requests it may be fined and/or imprisoned.

Kalifornia Senator Scott Wilk (Santa Clarita) has warned parents to leave Kalifornia rather than surrender their God-given rights to parent their own children.

Meanwhile, many of the people of Kalifornia allow it to continue.

Fascist pretender Joe Biden had established the Disinformation Governance Board in April 2022 to censor any information of which the United States government disapproved and punish criminally anyone found guilty of spreading disinformation or misinformation.  It represented a direct
attack on the God-given right of free speech and violated the First Amendment to the Constitution, which is the highest law of the land.

Thankfully, in 2022, the board and its working groups were "paused" pending review, and fascist board head Nina Jankowicz resigned as a result of public backlash.  On August 24, 2022,
Department of Homeland Security pretend Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas disbanded the board.

In May 2022, New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern gave the keynote speech at Harvard University’s commencement ceremonies, in which she spoke out against free speech by claiming that
disinformation and misinformation threatened democracies around the world.  In her own country, she autocratically declared that anyone who speaks about issues against official government positions will be criminally prosecuted and may be fined and/or imprisoned.

Meanwhile, the New Zealand and Maori (indigenous) people allow it to continue.

The world is rapidly being transformed into a godless place in which governments dictate everything to the subject people of the world.  The fact that most people allow it to continue is evidence that we are living in a Grand Asylum, one in which some of the “inmates” are people seeking to rule the world, and others are people willing to go along with the insane declarations made by those people.

The only hope for freedom lies in the small minority of people in the world who think for themselves and refuse to bow down to the insanity being promoted by authoritarian propaganda and supported by mindless followers and deviant ideologues; and their numbers are rapidly growing. It is
these patriotic, courageous people who hold the future of the world in their hands, and who possess the capability of shutting down the insane asylum in which we are all living, and restoring truth, justice and freedom to the people of the world.

Let us all pray for their health, safety, courage, and success; may those of you who have allowed governments to continue their evil ways come and join the fight for the survival of our way of life, which affects us all.

Brent Johnson is Director of Freedom Bound International, a common law service center dedicated to the preservation of personal freedom, privacy rights and the principles enshrined in the Declaration of Independence.  He may be reached at 1-888-385-FREE or
on-line at