Glorifying the Ordinary

Submitted by Freedomman on Thu, 07/18/2024 - 14:47

by Brent Johnson

I was away from the united States of America for sixteen years, traveling the world and evaluating places where Americans might want to go - or not go - if they decided to leave the uSA.

After fighting against being prohibited from leaving the country where I was due to my refusal to take the poisonous COVID-19 jab, I finally got out and returned to the uSA in August of 2022, nearly two decades after I left.

The changes were substantial. In many ways I do not recognize my home country.

Everything has gone so completely digital that people do not need to speak with each other anymore; they just text and thereby keep all personal interactions impersonal.

People do not want to work because they can do whatever they want to do by borrowing money they cannot afford to repay, so there is no incentive to work.

There is no more striving to achieve in America; people are satisfied to be just plain ordinary. That is so different than the America in which I was raised.

Life in America has reached a point where being ordinary is rewarded. It has become normal to not work, or to work for pennies. It has also become normal to just borrow money when you need
it. People do not produce anything; they simply take what they can. Most people look slovenly; they do not dress well nor do they care to look good. Most people are fat and seem to be perfectly fine about that. People tend to be illiterate and that’s okay with them, too. Not only is being ordinary the standard of the day in America, it is actually celebrated.

While our ancestors worked hard to make a good life for themselves and their children, because wherever they originally came from did not allow them to improve their lives, America today gives
everyone everything and pays for it by taking money from those few who do work and giving it to the lazy and complacent that make up the majority of the population.

Karl Marx would be proud of today’s America.

I find organizations celebrating being ordinary all the time. Public schools give out gold stars just because a student showed up in class. The student does not have to pass a test or show
prowess in some activity - in many schools, tests have been completely abandoned, because having some people get good grades means that others get lower grades, and that might offend the people who do not work hard so they can get a good grade. Students get rewarded just for showing up in class. What a terrible message that sends to students: you do not need to do anything special and you will get through school.

The numerous “Pride” events being held around the country seek to celebrate homosexuality and deviant transgenderism. Why do we celebrate these things instead of celebrating hard work and striving to achieve great deeds? Why do we celebrate being blacks, women, Hispanics, or any other group instead of celebrating good behavior? Today, we celebrate who you are but not what you do.

If we celebrate being black then why do we not also celebrate being white? If we celebrate being women then why do we not also celebrate being men? As a society, we discriminate in those we celebrate; but we do not distinguish between those who accomplish great achievements and those who do not, for this might “offend” some people who have not accomplished great deeds. We are more concerned about not offending someone - not causing someone to feel bad - than we are about recognizing the work of someone who stretches himself or herself to achieve great things, and
encouraging people to be the best they can be.

America used to be a land where people were encouraged to win the big game, invent the newest device, or discover a formula to make life better for all people. People who did these things were given accolades, public recognition, financial rewards, job offers, in other words, fame and fortune.

These promises of recognition drove people to work hard in order to achieve as much as possible in their own lives, sparking an innovative and creative culture unparalleled in the world and representing a beacon for all to see. That beacon has been lost and needs to be rediscovered.

America has become a place where quality is rare; products are made cheaply with poor quality - just like in China - while workers do not bring quality to their work. Rather, workers seek to take all kinds of time off because they might “feel stressed”. Quality in labor and quality in goods are no longer a feature of America. America no longer inspires people to be the best they can be, because in today’s world, all you need to do is be ordinary in order to get recognition.

Why do we no longer celebrate accomplishments?

We used to take pride in dressing well and looking good. We used to feel good about ourselves when we passed a test or got a good grade in school. We used to feel good when we were commended
for providing excellent customer service. Why have we abandoned this self-sustaining method of encouraging people to get better every day?

The reason is because Marxism has crept into our country, and Marxism destroys personal achievements.

Marxism is the principle that brings everyone down to their lowest level of behavior. Everything is provided to you by the Marxist State so you need not do anything to impress anyone, and so you do nothing to stand out and show yourself for the magnificent being you can be. You become ordinary… just like everybody else.

Is this really what you want to do with your life? Is this really who you want to be? Is this the legacy you want to leave to the world; one of being lazy and ordinary?

What will it take to inspire you to work to be more than that? You can start by showing others that you are striving to be a better person, even though you don’t have to do so. You do it
because it makes you feel good. You do it because God smiles on you when you strive to be better. You do it in order to leave a message with your children to reach for great heights and accomplish great things… change the world for the better.

America has been destroyed from within. The lifeblood of this country has been drained of its power and strength. However, all it takes to turn this situation around is for you - yes, you who are reading this - to set a new standard; to restore an old standard; to be the example for others to follow back to a place where anything is possible, and all things are doable.

I have faith that you will resurrect the special character of America by your acts. I am excited to watch the amazing things you will achieve. Join me and together let us make this country - and the world - a far better place than it has been.

Brent Johnson is Director of Freedom Bound International, a common law service center dedicated to the preservation of personal freedom, privacy rights and the principles enshrined in the Declaration of Independence.  He may be reached at 1-888-385-FREE or on-line at