Mindset of the Masses

Submitted by Freedomman on Thu, 10/17/2024 - 15:09

by Brent Johnson

The world has become an environment in which the general population consists of a growing number of people who have embraced the propaganda, lies, misinformation and disinformation promulgated by unprincipled individuals and organizations that literally seek to rule the world by promoting the idea that permanent states of emergency exist, and if the people of the world do not subscribe to and follow the instructions they advocate, then their lives will be destroyed, their lifestyles will be undermined, and their dreams, wishes and objectives will never be achieved.

Fear has been weaponized by globalists seeking to establish a one world order in which they are the rulers, and the people of the world are their obedient subjects.

When wielded effectively, fear is a very powerful motivational tool. When you make people believe that their lives stand on a precipice of ruin, you pressure them into taking steps to
prevent that ruin from affecting them and their families.

Today we are blasted with messages that we have a climate emergency and if we do not take immediate action the entire human race will die; we are propagandized with tales of economic
destruction; we are told that our lifestyles are hurting the rest of the world; we sent messages that we are destroying the environment and if we do not stop it then we are all going to perish; we are asked to believe that the entire world is in a constant state of war and if do not change our lifestyles then all life on Earth will be destroyed.

This constant bombardment of messages that demean and diminish the positive contributions that for so long, so many people have made and continue to make to the planet, has resulted in the
emergence of a mob mentality among the populations of the world. If someone goes on social media and posts a message (true or more often false) about an individual doing something bad (i.e. eating meat, driving a gasoline car, spanking children, or just saying words that someone finds offensive), then suddenly a massive influx of comments shows up beneath the post, expounding on
how horrible that individual is and that he or she should be killed or imprisoned or tarred-and-feathered… even though there is no actual evidence that any harmful thing has been done by that individual.

In today’s world, an accusation is sufficient to establish the guilt of the accused in the minds of enough people that a mob mentality is created, in which angry, irrational and patently
unlawful solutions are proposed by increasing numbers of people who wish to join the bandwagon seeking to attack the accused party.

This method of social manipulation creates an environment in which masses can be trained to act impulsively and emotionally - without thought or consideration - and that leads to a lynch mob mentality, which is very dangerous and completely contrary to peaceful societies and healthy economies.

The Internet has given the world many great things; it has given all people the opportunity to communicate with each other, regardless of where they are located; it has allowed scientists and
explorers to expand the scope of their research; it has expanded the outreach of each individual on the planet; it has provided previously unavailable means of learning, teaching, inventing, and improving the lives of the people who inhabit Earth. It has changed the outlook of our future and helped to enhance the opportunities that life offers all people.

However, there is a reverse sign to the coin of modern technology. The Internet has also created a way for the evildoers of the world to inject their poisons to the masses much more easily than in the past. By using lies and propaganda, technology is being used to encourage people to live in fear, and frightened people are much more easily led into destructive behavior and acts of horror so despicable that they abandon their spirituality in favor of embracing a path of wanton destruction and discard any positive value systems they may have previously enjoyed.

There exists today a machine that has been built by the evildoers of the world, which stokes the flame of despair, anger and retribution and is fueled by the Internet and controlled media. The result is a mob mentality that is led down a path of destruction, with the ultimate objective being to justify the complete takeover of the world by those same evildoers. It is a form of mass hypnosis, and it must be stopped, or the world will certainly die (I am not fearmongering here; this threat of death is real).

The good news is that there is a real and workable solution. In order to protect yourself from being hypnotized, all you need to do is remain conscious and hold the thought that you refuse to
be hypnotized. Stop believing whatever you hear or watch or read… use the Creator-endowed common sense with which you were born… hold true to the values of truth, justice, keeping your word, and freedom and independence that are God’s gifts to you.

Remember the individuals who, throughout history, have stood true and refused to comply with the efforts of evildoers (e.g. Rosa parks, Joan of Arc, Martin Luther King, Jr., Yahushua Messiah, to name a few). They are the ones who always change the world for the better, and each of you has the opportunity to be one of those world-changing people in this lifetime. You are amazing beings, and you can indeed make a major positive difference in the world; you can help to create paradise on Earth.

What a tremendous opportunity you have been given. What phenomenal power you possess. You may be instrumental in changing the world and defeating the evildoers. What an amazing legacy you can
leave to posterity.

All that is required is for you to take responsibility for yourself and stop obeying those who tell you that life is bad and you are part of the problem. Rather, declare yourself to be part of
the solution and refuse to comply, refuse to act like a subject, refuse to go along with the “crowd” of the mindless and instead, forge a new path, one designed by you, and follow that path to a place where truth, justice, integrity, honor, and freedom rule the world.

Brent Johnson is Director of Freedom Bound International, a common law service center dedicated to the preservation of personal freedom, privacy rights and the principles enshrined in the Declaration of Independence.  He may be reached at 1-888-385-FREE or on-line at www.freedomradio.us.