The Stupidification of We the People

Submitted by Freedomman on Fri, 03/14/2025 - 13:13

by Brent Johnson

"Above all I hope that the [philosophical and political] education of the common people will be attended to so they won't forget the basic principles of freedom." - Thomas

"If a nation expects to be ignorant and free it expects what never was and never will be... The people cannot be safe without information. Where the press is free, and every man is
able to read, all is safe." - Thomas Jefferson

Education is a key necessity in a society that seeks to have a free population that is capable
of defending and protecting its freedoms from those who seek to violate the liberties on which it was built; most especially, from the governments charged with administering and maintaining the freedoms of that society.

The fascists and Marxists have spent decades gradually infecting the people of the united States of America with a socialist disease. We the People have been taught to think of the federal and state governments as existing to protect them, take care of them, and give them whatever they want to make their lives better. In their minds, most people believe that the government is their best friend, while in reality government is their worst enemy.

The Declaration of Independence (1776), which outlines the true purpose of government and the principles on which government exists, states clearly that “To secure these Rights (to Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness), governments are instituted…”

In other words, the purpose of government is to secure the free exercise of each individual’s
Creator-endowed Rights to Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness, which means the government exists to protect their freedoms… and do nothing else.

It is not the role of government to feed the hungry, or educate the poor, or provide health
care to the sick.  This may seem uncompassionate, but it really is not. There are plenty of private charities and organizations that will feed the hungry, educate the poor, and take care of the sick. It is not the purpose of the government to do these things. The government exists to
protect the people from violations of their fundamental rights… and to otherwise leave them alone.

This country came from old England, where a two-class system still exists today. There are nobles and commoners, and commoners could not participate in the making of law, could not own property or land, and could never raise themselves from being commoners to becoming nobles. If you were born a commoner, then you always were a commoner.

However, in the uSA, “All men (and women) are Created equal,” which means there is no
class distinction between people. The American dream is to own your own land, because in old England a commoner could not own land. That is the dream of this country. It is not to go into debt for 30 years and pay a massive price for borrowing the money to purchase real property that you cannot afford, then pay an annual tax on the land which, if not paid, results in having your property stolen from you by the government.

Politicians today regularly state that the government’s number one job is to “keep the people
safe”. Nowhere in either the Declaration, the federal Constitution, or any state constitution does it say that the role of government is to keep the people safe.

The role of government is to protect the God-given right to freedom… and to do nothing else. Our government was created to be our servant, not our leader. We are not intended to be subjects of the government, nor is government meant to be ruler over us.

"At its very best, government is a necessary evil.” - Thomas Paine

Most people read Thomas Paine’s quote from his brilliant essay, Common Sense, to mean
that government is necessary; but his words clearly mean that government - any government - is fundamentally evil.

This is true because government owns nothing and creates nothing. All that government can ever do is take property from the people it was created to govern - in the form of taxes and other fees – and then give it to others who have not earned it. That is what makes government fundamentally evil.

Our Founding Fathers were men of character… who were smart, intelligent and dedicated to the
principles enshrined in the Declaration of Independence. Benjamin Franklin once said that we were given a Republic, if we could keep it. He said that our Republic is meant “…for a just and moral people… it is insufficient to any other.” In order to maintain such a brilliantly crafted society and the government that helps to maintain it, the general population must be smart. The people must be able to think for themselves and come up with methods of ensuring that they maintain absolute control over their government, which is fundamentally evil.

In other words, We the People have been gifted with a remarkable and special country, in which
our Rights are protected from violation by a Constitution capable of leashing the evil that lies at the heart of and reflects the soul of the government. However, accomplishing this magnificent feat requires that the people must be smart and well-educated enough to take the reins of the Constitution and tame the beast that is government so that its beneficent ends may be achieved without allowing its evil nature to rear its ugly head.

Sadly, the American people have not taken up the mantle of this necessary duty, which is why the government beast has escaped its cage and run roughshod over the actual rulers of this country while turning the government into an evil force always seeking to rule over the people with uncompromising viciousness.

The American people have been successfully dumbed down to the point of idiocy, whereby they
believe themselves to be subjects of the evil government, required to obey whatever edicts or dictates that the government endlessly seeks to impose on them.

The American people have been stupidified, and in their stupidity they have lost sight of the blessings gifted to them by their Creator.

They have been taught to regard the evil government as their saviour… encouraging them to go
to the government for food when they are hungry, health care when they are sick, education for their children, and whatever else makes their lives easier… never recognizing the price they pay in exchange.

That price is this: whenever someone asks the government to do something that it was not
created to do - something that is not specifically authorized for it to do by the Constitution - the government requires that individual to waive his or her God-given, unalienable rights and thereby subject himself or herself to government control over his or her life.

In plain language, the government requires you to agree to waive your fundamental rights - gifts from God - and subject yourself to absolute government control if you want the government to feed you, educate you, provide health care for you, loan you money so that you can buy things that you cannot afford, and generally speaking, make your life easier.

Is having the government take care of you worth giving up actual gifts from God?  Do you regard His Gifts so lightly?  Do you really and truly believe in Him? If so, wouldn’t you value His Gifts highly? Wouldn’t you go to whatever lengths are necessary to protect those Gifts?

In today’s world, the Internet provides us with resources that give us all access to an
intelligent education. We do not need to go to the government to learn about the world today… we can do that on our own.

It is true that not everything that you find on the Internet is true, and you will find a great deal of fraud and misrepresentation on the Web. However, you will also find a tremendous amount of material that you can use to teach yourself about the world in which we live. Once you learn about the world, you are empowered to make decisions on how to live your life. You do not need the government to do these things for you.

You do not need the government to tell you how to live. You do not need the government to ensure that you have a job, or to pay you when you are out of work. You do not need the government to feed you if you are hungry. You do not need the government to provide you with health care when you are sick. You do not need the government to educate your children for you.

You do not need the government to do anything for you except provide you with the Freedom to
make your own choices about your own life. That is the only purpose of government and inviting it to do anything else is a recipe for disaster and will only serve to destroy your life.

You have the power to stand up against the evil government. Refuse to comply with its dictatorial demands. Refuse to obey its arbitrary edicts. Refuse to do as you are told by it. Just say No to the government.

You are the child of your Creator, Who is the Supreme Sovereign of the universe. That means you are literally part of the Royal Family. You are a king or a queen; you are the supreme ruler of your life. Remember that you are His Child; that means you are immensely powerful. You do not need the evil government to help you. It was not created to help you… it was only created to protect your freedom, which is your most precious gift, and otherwise leave you alone to life your life as you see fit.

That is the Holy Gift that God has bequeathed to you.

That it the legacy that He wants you to enjoy.

That is the amazing world in which He wants you to live.

Brent Johnson is Director of Freedom Bound International, a common law service center dedicated to the preservation of personal freedom, privacy rights and the principles enshrined in the Declaration of Independence. He may be reached at 1-888-385-FREE or on-line at