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Democrat gubernatorial candidate tells Obama to 'shove it'!

FreedomRadio.us - Sun, 10/31/2010 - 12:58

PROVIDENCE, Rhode Island - October 25, 2010 - The Democrat candidate for Rhode Island governor is telling illegitimate President Barack Obama to "shove it" after learning Obama would not endorse him.

NYPD thugs seek to ban gun ownership to bad drivers and those in debt!

FreedomRadio.us - Sun, 10/31/2010 - 12:39

NEW YORK (PNN) - October 28, 2010 - A blatantly unlawful tactic that violates the Second Amendment to the Constitution is being proposed by the New York City Police Department. Under this proposed new regulation, New York City residents who want to own a gun may soon be denied permits if they are litterbugs, bad drivers or have fallen behind on a few bills.

Security fears mount as e-voting comes of age!

FreedomRadio.us - Sun, 10/31/2010 - 12:25

LOS ANGELES, Kalifornia - October 24, 2010 - New technologies allowing voters to cast ballots via the Internet or other electronic means are catching on in the United States and elsewhere, even as fears mount about security of the systems.

A total of 33 states are allowing some email, fax or online ballots in 2010, according to the Verified Voting Foundation, a group that monitors security of election systems.

These systems, which are also used in several other countries, can potentially increase voter participation but security remains a question mark, especially following one spectacular attack on an Internet vote pilot project.

Audience recites Pledge of Allegiance over moderator objections!

FreedomRadio.us - Sun, 10/31/2010 - 12:24

EVANSTON, Illinois - October 23, 2010 - Illinois' 8th Congressional District candidates had gathered at Grayslake Central High School in Grayslake, Illinois, to participate in a debate moderated by Kathy Tate-Bradish of the League of Women Voters, Evanston branch.

Nevada voting machines pose concerns about fraud!

FreedomRadio.us - Sun, 10/31/2010 - 12:18

LAS VEGAS, Nevada - October 27, 2010 - A conservative watchdog group is calling on Nevada officials to intervene to ensure SEIU workers who operate one county's voting machines don't skew the results to boost their endorsed candidate, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid.

A contract between SEIU Local 1107 and Clark County - where voting glitches were reported Tuesday - makes the SEIU the sole union representative for, among other professions, voting machine technicians.

Shadow groups have spent nearly a quarter billion dollars on 2010 election!

FreedomRadio.us - Sun, 10/31/2010 - 12:15

WASHINGTON - October 27th, 2010 - Karl Rove's American Crossroads has drawn a lot of attention for its high-profile fundraising and lavish spending on congressional races. But Rove's group, it turns out, isn't the only one at the plate. A detailed analysis of campaign spending by cloak-and-dagger "shadow groups" - that are able to shift vast sums of money into campaign advertising and affect the outcome of competitive races - shows that the groups collectively have spent nearly a quarter of a billion dollars in the 2010 cycle.

Backlash grows against full-body airport scanners!

FreedomRadio.us - Sun, 10/31/2010 - 12:10

October 24, 2010 - Worldwide, a backlash is growing against the push to install full-body scanners at airports.

The machines, which take a three-dimensional picture beneath a person's clothing, were first introduced after the alleged "Christmas Day" attempt to bomb a plane headed for Detroit. The U.S. Transportation Security Administration (TSA) has already purchased 500 of the machines at a cost of $80 million. More than 100 have already been installed, and the government plans to put 1,000 in place by the end of 2011. They have also been adopted in the United Kingdom.

Social Security is running in the red!

FreedomRadio.us - Sun, 10/31/2010 - 12:07

WASHINGTON - October 20, 2010 - The U.S. Treasury has needed to borrow money to pay Social Security benefits in 15 out of the last 25 months on record because the Social Security system was in deficit in those months, with the cost of monthly benefit payments exceeding the Social Security tax revenues flowing into the Old Age, Survivors and Disability Insurance "trust funds," according to data published by the Social Security Administration.

Movie trailer: “I Want Your Money!”

FreedomRadio.us - Sun, 10/24/2010 - 18:43

Brilliantly produced trailer for the upcoming release of a political motion picture that clearly reveals the failed socialist policies of the United States government. This looks like a good one!


Video: 9/11 report is a cover-up from start to finish!

FreedomRadio.us - Sun, 10/24/2010 - 18:42

Judge Andrew Naplitano interviews intelligence agent Lt. Col. Anthony Shaffer, who gives his first-hand account of how the head of the 9/11 Commission disregarded his testimony about how the CIA obstructed justice during the official investigation into the events of September 11, 2001. A must see for all 9//11 truth seekers!

Egyptian mummies prove cancer is man-made!

FreedomRadio.us - Sat, 10/23/2010 - 10:16

LONDON, England - October 15, 2010 - Cancer is the bane of the modern world. It kills millions of people annually. Yet there is almost no trace of the insidious killer among the remains of ancient peoples.

This incredible epiphany rocked researchers on their heels. Ancient people simply didn't die from any cancer-related diseases.

'Twas the night before elections

FreedomRadio.us - Sat, 10/23/2010 - 10:02

'Twas the night before elections  
 And all through the town
 Tempers were flaring
 Emotions all up and down!

U.S. charity offers British drug addicts £200 to be sterilized!

FreedomRadio.us - Sat, 10/23/2010 - 09:41

LONDON, England - October 17, 2010 - Drug addicts across the UK are being offered money by an American charity to be sterilized.

Project Prevention is offering to pay £200 to any drug user in London, Glasgow, Bristol, Leicester and parts of Wales who agrees to undergo a sterilization procedure.

Fascist Files: G20 protester barred from speaking to press as condition of bail!

FreedomRadio.us - Sat, 10/23/2010 - 09:29

TORONTO, Ontario, Canada - October 15, 2010 - A man accused of having incited violent protests at the G20 economic summit in Toronto last June has been subjected to what his lawyer describes as "staggering" bail conditions. Not only is he forbidden to attend any public event that expresses political views but he is not even allowed to speak to the press.

Majority opposes reelection of anyone who voted for ObamaCare!

FreedomRadio.us - Sat, 10/23/2010 - 09:25

WASHINGTON - October 20, 2010 - Incumbents, beware: The major votes you’ve cast in Congress over the past couple years appear likely to come back to haunt you this Election Day.

A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that most Likely Voters think their representative in Congress does not deserve reelection if he or she voted for the national health care law, the auto bailouts or the $787-billion economic stimulus plan.

10 percent of Germans want Führer back!

FreedomRadio.us - Sat, 10/23/2010 - 09:17

BERLIN, Germany - October 16, 2010 - One in ten Germans would like to see a Führer in power; they see dictatorship as the best option for the country, a survey has revealed.

According to a social study conducted by the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, the longing for a strong hand is still common among Germans.

Majorities in U.S. view government as too intrusive and powerful!

FreedomRadio.us - Sat, 10/23/2010 - 09:11

PRINCETON, New Jersey - October 13, 2010 - Record- or near-record-high percentages of Americans are critical of the size and scope of government, as measured by four Gallup trend questions updated in September. This sentiment stretches to 59% of Americans now believing the federal government has too much power, up eight percentage points from a year ago.

What Americans really think of government!

FreedomRadio.us - Sat, 10/16/2010 - 12:06

WASHINGTON - October 10, 2010 - If there is an overarching theme of election 2010, it is the question of how big the government should be and how far it should reach into people's lives.

Amerikans have a more negative view of government today than they did a decade ago, or even a few years ago. Most say it focuses on the wrong things and lack confidence that it can solve big domestic problems; this general anti-Washington sentiment is helping to fuel a potential Republican takeover of Congress next month.

What Americans really think of government!

FreedomRadio.us - Sat, 10/16/2010 - 12:06

WASHINGTON - October 10, 2010 - If there is an overarching theme of election 2010, it is the question of how big the government should be and how far it should reach into people's lives.

Amerikans have a more negative view of government today than they did a decade ago, or even a few years ago. Most say it focuses on the wrong things and lack confidence that it can solve big domestic problems; this general anti-Washington sentiment is helping to fuel a potential Republican takeover of Congress next month.

Americas top 20 facts of law!

FreedomRadio.us - Sat, 10/16/2010 - 11:55

1.    The IRS is not a U.S. Government Agency. It is an Agency of the IMF (Diversified metal Products v. IRS etal. CV-93-405E-EJE U.S.D.C.D.I., Public Law 94-564, Senate Report 94-1148 pg. 5967, Reorganization Plan No. 26, Public Law 102-391.)

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