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Commentary: We need a Revolution, not a Movement

FreedomRadio.us - Sat, 09/04/2010 - 10:37

By Chuck Baldwin

August 27, 2010 - The elections of 2008 (and the early elections of 2010) produced two significant phenomena: the “Ron Paul Revolution,” and the “Tea Party Movement.” And, mark it down: both of them will have profound effects upon the upcoming November elections–and upon the 2012 elections as well. Call them what you want, however, America doesn’t need another movement; it needs a genuine revolution.

U.S. drone strike murders women and children while destroying their home!

FreedomRadio.us - Sat, 09/04/2010 - 10:17

Robots committed the murder so there were no U.S. casualties.

KABUL, Afghanistan - August 23, 2010 - The illegitimate Obama regime’s policy of escalating drone strikes took another hit today, after the explosion from a drone attack against the house of “suspected militants” in North Waziristan also destroyed a neighboring house full of women and children.

U.S. drone strike murders women and children while destroying their home!

FreedomRadio.us - Sat, 09/04/2010 - 10:17

Robots committed the murder so there were no U.S. casualties.

KABUL, Afghanistan - August 23, 2010 - The illegitimate Obama regime’s policy of escalating drone strikes took another hit today, after the explosion from a drone attack against the house of “suspected militants” in North Waziristan also destroyed a neighboring house full of women and children.

Federal court lacks authority to conduct immigration law trial!

FreedomRadio.us - Sat, 09/04/2010 - 10:10

By Publius Huldah

PHOENIX, Arizona - July 29, 2010 - Does anyone read the U.S. Constitution these days? American lawyers don’t read it. Federal Judge Susan R. Bolton apparently has never read it. The same goes for Attorney General Eric Holder. But this lawyer has read it and she is going to show you something in our Constitution that is as plain as the nose on your face.

Federal court lacks authority to conduct immigration law trial!

FreedomRadio.us - Sat, 09/04/2010 - 10:10

By Publius Huldah

PHOENIX, Arizona - July 29, 2010 - Does anyone read the U.S. Constitution these days? American lawyers don’t read it. Federal Judge Susan R. Bolton apparently has never read it. The same goes for Attorney General Eric Holder. But this lawyer has read it and she is going to show you something in our Constitution that is as plain as the nose on your face.

Touch screen voting machine hacked without breaking seals!

FreedomRadio.us - Sat, 08/28/2010 - 10:17

DETROIT, Michigan - August 23, 2010 - This is your Sequoia touch-screen voting machine with Pac-Man hacked onto it without disturbing any of the "tamper-evident" seals supposedly meant to protect it from hackers.

Touch screen voting machine hacked without breaking seals!

FreedomRadio.us - Sat, 08/28/2010 - 10:17

DETROIT, Michigan - August 23, 2010 - This is your Sequoia touch-screen voting machine with Pac-Man hacked onto it without disturbing any of the "tamper-evident" seals supposedly meant to protect it from hackers.

Government can use GPS to track suspects!

FreedomRadio.us - Sat, 08/28/2010 - 09:53

LOS ANGELES, Kalifornia - August 26, 2010 - Government agents can sneak onto your property in the middle of the night, put a GPS device on the bottom of your car and keep track of everywhere you go. This doesn't violate your Fourth Amendment protections, because you do not have any reasonable expectation of privacy in your own driveway - and no reasonable expectation that the government isn't tracking your movements.

Government can use GPS to track suspects!

FreedomRadio.us - Sat, 08/28/2010 - 09:53

LOS ANGELES, Kalifornia - August 26, 2010 - Government agents can sneak onto your property in the middle of the night, put a GPS device on the bottom of your car and keep track of everywhere you go. This doesn't violate your Fourth Amendment protections, because you do not have any reasonable expectation of privacy in your own driveway - and no reasonable expectation that the government isn't tracking your movements.

Full-body scan technology deployed in street roving vans!

FreedomRadio.us - Sat, 08/28/2010 - 09:50

BOSTON, Massachusetts - August 24, 2010 - As the privacy controversy around full-body security scans begins to simmer, it’s worth noting that courthouses and airport security checkpoints aren’t the only places where backscatter x-ray vision is being deployed. The same technology, capable of seeing through clothes and walls, has also been rolling out on U.S. streets.

Full-body scan technology deployed in street roving vans!

FreedomRadio.us - Sat, 08/28/2010 - 09:50

BOSTON, Massachusetts - August 24, 2010 - As the privacy controversy around full-body security scans begins to simmer, it’s worth noting that courthouses and airport security checkpoints aren’t the only places where backscatter x-ray vision is being deployed. The same technology, capable of seeing through clothes and walls, has also been rolling out on U.S. streets.

Scientists hack into car computers to control brakes and engine!

FreedomRadio.us - Sat, 08/28/2010 - 09:43

NEW YORK - August 21, 2010 - It sounds like a Hollywood movie: cybercriminals in a van use a laptop to hack wirelessly into the computer-controlled systems of the car on the road ahead. In seconds the target car's engine, brakes, and door locks are under their nefarious control.

It doesn't take a great scriptwriter to figure out what's next - except that it's not the movies anymore. It's real - well, almost.

Scientists hack into car computers to control brakes and engine!

FreedomRadio.us - Sat, 08/28/2010 - 09:43

NEW YORK - August 21, 2010 - It sounds like a Hollywood movie: cybercriminals in a van use a laptop to hack wirelessly into the computer-controlled systems of the car on the road ahead. In seconds the target car's engine, brakes, and door locks are under their nefarious control.

It doesn't take a great scriptwriter to figure out what's next - except that it's not the movies anymore. It's real - well, almost.

New report suggests Obama is a CIA creation!

FreedomRadio.us - Sat, 08/28/2010 - 09:39

WASHINGTON - August 25, 2010 - A newly released report claims that illegitimate U.S. President Barack Obama is a CIA creation, as his clandestine life poses question after question.

New report suggests Obama is a CIA creation!

FreedomRadio.us - Sat, 08/28/2010 - 09:39

WASHINGTON - August 25, 2010 - A newly released report claims that illegitimate U.S. President Barack Obama is a CIA creation, as his clandestine life poses question after question.

Mexican police to patrol Staten Island!

FreedomRadio.us - Sat, 08/28/2010 - 09:35

NEW YORK - August 23, 2010 - In a series of events that have caused wide notice and a storm of protests, the government of Mexico, through its consulate in New York in the United Nations, has announced it will begin patrolling the New York City borough of Staten Island to safeguard its nationals there.

Mexican police to patrol Staten Island!

FreedomRadio.us - Sat, 08/28/2010 - 09:35

NEW YORK - August 23, 2010 - In a series of events that have caused wide notice and a storm of protests, the government of Mexico, through its consulate in New York in the United Nations, has announced it will begin patrolling the New York City borough of Staten Island to safeguard its nationals there.

Unfree Amerika: TSA implements more intrusive security procedure!

FreedomRadio.us - Sat, 08/28/2010 - 09:27

BOSTON, Massachusetts - August 21, 2010 - Logan International Airport security just got more up close and personal as federal screeners launched a more aggressive palms-first, slide-down body search technique that has renewed the debate over privacy vs. safety.

The new procedure - already being questioned by the American Civil Liberties Union - replaces the Transportation Security Administration’s former back-of-the-hand patdown.

Unfree Amerika: TSA implements more intrusive security procedure!

FreedomRadio.us - Sat, 08/28/2010 - 09:27

BOSTON, Massachusetts - August 21, 2010 - Logan International Airport security just got more up close and personal as federal screeners launched a more aggressive palms-first, slide-down body search technique that has renewed the debate over privacy vs. safety.

The new procedure - already being questioned by the American Civil Liberties Union - replaces the Transportation Security Administration’s former back-of-the-hand patdown.

Border too dangerous for border patrol officers!

FreedomRadio.us - Sun, 08/22/2010 - 17:39

Cochise County, Arizona Sheriff Larry Dever informs us all that the federal government has ordered border patrol agents to stay away from the border in Cochise County because it is too dangerous and we want to avoid an international incident. Well, Sheriff Devers says “bring on the international incident!”

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