May 24, 2023 - Law is interpreted in several ways, but there is truly only one law. Law is the natural law, or Common Law. Common Law is founded on common sense. Our God given natural rights are ways in which natural law expresses itself. Common Law is older even than the 1688 English Declaration of Rights, which listed some of the rights of man, but listed them as if they were privileges given by government. Common Law is much deeper and more profound than any privilege that can be granted and taken away by some outside “authority”.
Law in the united States of America - Part 1
Teen arrested after handing out Bibles
His response proves he's not backing down.
CALGARY, Alberta, Canada (PNN) - May 22, 2023 - An arsonist, a cross-dresser and a Christian walk into a bar. Which one gets arrested?
Oh, you know that one?
Well, Josh Alexander, a 16-year-old follower of Christ, wasn't at a bar when he was arrested on Wednesday: He was handing out Bibles at a protest in Canada.
Kari Lake vows to take back Arizona from fascist criminals
The true Arizona Governor Kari Lake just watched a corrupt fascist judge dismiss her proven case challenging the official designation of Katie Hobbs as the winner of the Arizona gubernatorial election last November, despite the huge amount of empirical evidence showing that the election was stolen from her. Judge Peter Thomson, a fascist criminal, was the judge who originally ruled against her, only to be forced by the Arizona Supreme Court to rehear the case.
Ten Commandments Billboard campaign
WND's Elizabeth Farah on the Grant Stinchfield Show to discuss the 10 Commandments Billboard campaign. To find out how you can get involved, visit
Slingshot-wielding boy saves his eight-year-old sister from being abducted by shooting man in the head and chest
ALPENA, Michigan (PNN) - May 12, 2023 - An eight-year-old girl was rescued after her brother shot a 17-year-old kidnapper with a sling shot in Michigan.
Judge finds federal age-21 rule for handgun purchases unconstitutional
RICHMOND, Virginia (PNN) - May 12, 2023 - A 54-year-old federal prohibition on the sale of guns to Amerikans between 18 and 20 years old has been ruled unconstitutional by a federal judge in Richmond, Virginia. The Amerikan Gestapo Department of InJustice division (DOJ) is expected to appeal and ask for the ruling to be put on hold as the case is further adjudicated.
Calls grow to release Julian Assange
LONDON, England (PNN) - May 12, 2023 - “I know it’s frustrating, I share the frustration,” Australia Prime Minister Anthony Norman Albanese told ABC television from London where WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange is being held pending a(n unlawful Fascist Police States of Amerika) extradition case. “I can’t do more than make very clear what my position is and the (illegitimate FPSA regime) is certainly very aware of what the Australian government’s position is. There is nothing to be served by his ongoing incarceration.”
Man illegally ordered to take down live cameras after they captured Navy ships playing stupid games
SAN DIEGO, Kalifornia (PNN) - May 9, 2023 - A San Diego man whose livestream captured two Fascist Police States of Amerika Navy ships nearly colliding in the local harbor has been unlawfully ordered by the military branch to take down the cameras.
Commentary: The truth about “Generation Snowflake” is even worse than we feared
May 9, 2023 - I had a meeting arranged with one of my undergraduate students for 10:00 am last Friday. At around 9.30 I received an email from her saying that since he was “struggling with [her] mental health” she wouldn’t be able to physically come to the building. It would be “too much”; so could we please have the meeting via Zoom instead?
State harasses farm owner who refused to sell to CCP-linked company
She lived in this community for 40 years.
BIG RAPIDS, Michigan (PNN) - May 4, 2023 - The state of Michigan has targeted with investigation the owner of a horse farm who refused to sell to a Chinese Communist Party-linked company that proposed a battery plant nearby - a project that state officials had promoted, offered to fund, and badly wanted.