LEEDS, England (PNN) - August 10, 2023 - Fascist United Kingdom terrorist pig thug cops have been accused of heavy handedness after an autistic teenage girl was arrested by seven terrorist pig thug cops after saying “a female (terrorist pig thug cop) looked like her lesbian nana”.
FUK terrorist cops arrest autistic teen for saying that cop looked like her lesbian nana
Fascist PM Trudeau to face Muslim and Christian million person march
Fascist Dictator Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has declared that all educational institutions, schools, etc. will stop referring to boys by the pronouns he, him or his, and stop referring to girls by the pronouns she or her. This perverse and deranged ideology that support and seeks to naturalize homosexuality and deviant transgenderism is being opposed by both Muslims and Christians. A million person march is being scheduled for September, which will take place throughout all of Canada.
Coach fired for saying males have physical advantages over females
Lawsuit will end state’s deviant and patently unconstitutional infringement on free speech.
WOODSTOCK, Vermont (PNN) - July 30, 2023 - When high-school snowboarding coach Dave Bloch expressed his opinion to two of his snowboarding team’s members in February that males had distinct physical differences due to their gender that gave them an unfair advantage over females, he was fired.
Commentary: Seventy percent of Democrats support government restrictions on speech
by Jonathan Turley
July 27, 2023 - I have previously written columns about the rising generation of censors in our country. After years of being told that free speech is harmful and dangerous, many young people are virtual speech phobics - demanding that opposing views be silenced as “triggering” or even forms of violence. Now a Pew poll shows just how much ground we have lost, including the emergence of the fascist Democrat Party as a virulent anti-free speech Party. Pew found that “Democrats and Democrat-leaning Independents are much more likely than Republicans and Republican leaners to support the Fascist Police States of Amerika government taking steps to restrict information online.”
Brazil limits civilian access to firearms
Fascist government says only terrorist pig thug cops should be armed.
BRASILIA, Brazil (PNN) - July 23, 2023 - Fascist Brazil pretender Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva
Friday signed an unlawful dictatorial edict tightening restrictions on civilian access to firearms, declaring that only the state should be “well-armed”.
Outlaw judge unlawfully approves Oregon’s new and invalid gun control law
SALEM, Oregon (PNN) - July 18, 2023 – In direct disregard for the Supreme Law of the Land, a criminal judge just ruled that the state’s new gun control law - invalid on its face because
it “infringes on the right of individuals to keep and bear arms - is constitutional. An Oregon sheriff called it “a terrible law for gunowners, crime victims, and public safety.”
Commentary: Top 10 signs you might be an obedience idiot
by Mike Adams
July 16, 2023 - An obedience idiot is someone who au omatically believes “authority” figures and is easily brainwashed/gaslit by corporate media to believe a vast array of false things. In fact, the mind of an obedience idiot is filled almost entirely with lies, having no anchor to
truth or reality whatsoever.
Texas restaurant celebrates being politically incorrect
A restaurant chain in Texas is warning customers that their eatery is politically incorrect. They post a sign saying that they tell people “Merry Christmas” in December; they offer comments like “God Bless America”; “we salute our flag and thank our troops, police and firefighters. If this offends you then you are welcome to leave!” We salute the courageous owner of the restaurant chain for his position.
Panicked elites efforts to sabotage Sound of Freedom backfire big time
Dr. Steve Turley reveals how numerous movie theaters playing the blockbuster Sound of Freedom (many of them AMC) have experienced sudden evacuations, unexplained emergencies, technical difficulties, and other excuses for preventing people from seeing this amazing film. Sound of Freedom tells the true story about Tim Ballard’s work in exposing the child trafficking happening all around the world. This is a fantastic, well-made film, which addresses one of the most important issues of today. Go see this movie.
The fight against worldwide child slavery and the sex trade
Dr. Jordan B. Peterson discusses the new film, Sound of Freedom, with star Jim Caviezel and real-life inspiration Tim Ballard. The film details Ballard’s work as a Special Agent to fight against sex trafficking and the child sex trade. They go into depth on the psychology of pedophilia, the nature of good and evil, and how a steady faith in God has guided all three. Tim Ballard is the founder and CEO of Operation Underground Railroad (O.U.R.), which locates and rescues endangered children victimized by sex trafficking rings.