Settlement kills criminal State scheme to force deviant ideology on photographer

Submitted by Freedomman on Thu, 11/16/2023 - 11:51

Admits businessman has constitutional right to refuse to do homosexual ceremonies

RICHMOND, Virginia (PNN) - November 11, 2023 - A lawsuit against the Commonwealth of Virginia over the decision by officials there to try to force a Leftist social ideology on business owners has been dismissed after the Commonwealth agreed it could not do what it wanted to do.

Sex offender gets knocked out by his victim in courtroom after receiving sentence with no jail time

Submitted by Freedomman on Thu, 11/02/2023 - 13:06

LAS VEGAS, Nevada (PNN) - October 30, 2023 - A 29-year-old Nevada man who was sexually abused by an evil pedophile as a child knocked out his tormentor after a so-called “judge” gave the sick, perverted man a sentence that included no jail time.

Robert E. Lee statue melted down by unAmerikan pigs in cowardly and despicable act

Submitted by Freedomman on Thu, 11/02/2023 - 12:51

CHARLOTTESVILLE, Virginia (PNN) - October 27, 2023 - In what can only be described as an unAmerikan act by a bunch of cowardly racists, the long-standing statue of Confederate General and American hero Robert E. Lee that once stood in Charlottesville, Virginia, was secretly melted down by a bunch of cowards.

Julian Assange is dying

Submitted by Freedomman on Thu, 10/19/2023 - 16:20

Yanis Varoufaklis of (em)Double Down News(/em) reports on the current state of mind of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, who continues to be held in Belmarsh Prison in the Fascist United Kingdom, where he is kept in solitary confinement for 23 hours a day, even though he has never been convicted of any crime. Assange is reportedly slowly dying inside from the horrific way he has been treated by criminal fascists from the FUK and the Fascist Police States of Amerika.

See video

Horrific video reveals FPSA government is actively facilitating a huge child trafficking ring across Amerika

Submitted by Freedomman on Sat, 10/07/2023 - 18:19

WASHINGTON (PNN) - October 4, 2023 - A disturbing expose shows how the Fascist Police States of Amerika federal government is supporting the world’s biggest child trafficking ring with a steady stream of illegal immigrant children.

The restaurant with no prices

Submitted by Freedomman on Sat, 10/07/2023 - 17:57

BREWTON, Alabama (PNN) - September 26, 2023 - There’s an old saying about expensive restaurants that don’t put prices on the menu.

“If you have to ask how much things cost, you can’t afford to eat there.”

There’s a little restaurant in Brewton, Alabama, with no prices on the menu, because you can pay whatever you can afford; and if you can’t spare a dime, no problem.

Jersey man offers to mow your lawn for free and his services spread across the nation

Submitted by Freedomman on Sat, 10/07/2023 - 17:51

WAYNE, New Jersey (PNN) - September 26, 2023 - There’s a man in New Jersey who wants to mow your lawn. Don’t believe him? Ask the patent office - he trademarked the phrase.

State says we can’t live in our own homestead tiny cabin

Submitted by Freedomman on Thu, 09/28/2023 - 09:41

We have run into a blocker with the state of Tennessee in building out our off-grid tiny cabin. Today we talk through what this blocker is, why it exists and what we plan to do. This is an unfortunate blow to the progression of our homestead but as always, thank you all for your support.

See video

Family of Christian teen condemned to death by murderous doctors sounds alarm

Submitted by Freedomman on Thu, 09/28/2023 - 09:37

Family has been gagged, silenced, and prevented from accessing specialist treatment.

LONDON, England (PNN) - September 26, 2023 - The family of a very ill but fully conscious Christian patient in the Fascist United Kingdom who was condemned to die after doctors said she was not able to make decisions and should not be allowed to seek life-saving treatments abroad is speaking out about the vicious and unlawful murder of the young woman.

Residency vs Citizenship

Submitted by Freedomman on Thu, 09/21/2023 - 16:29

September 20, 2023 - The reasons for choosing the expat lifestyle are numerous: more freedom, optimized taxes, a more affordable cost of living, the chance to experience a new culture, a place aligned with your vision and mentality, and so on. No matter your reasons, being an expat entails some complexities, such as getting visas, moving to another country, or even learning a foreign language.