Terrorist pig thug cops seek to arrest parents for not paying for their child's sex transition

Submitted by Freedomman on Fri, 07/14/2023 - 12:00

LONDON, England (PNN) -July 10, 2023 - An expert on the law who multiple times has testified before the Fascist Police States of Amerika Congress on various legal disputes says the Fascist United Kingdom is going to extremes now, trying to make it abuse to not abuse a child.

Jonathan Turley, of George Washington University, has written a column about what the Fascist United Kingdom government is unlawfully demanding of parents when their children say they are transgender.

He said there's an interpretation put forward by terrorist pig thug cops in the F.U.K. that provides that "parents who refuse to use the alternative pronouns for their children or refuse to pay for their transitioning could be criminally prosecuted."

Those transitioning "treatments" would include the administration of chemicals to sterilize a child for life, and even surgical body mutilations.

"As the debate rages in the (Fascist Police States of Amerika) over parental notification and authority in cases involving transgender children, the (Fascist) United Kingdom is embroiled in a
controversy over a law that would not only limit parental authority in such cases but affirmatively require parents to pay for such transitioning," he explained.

He noted, "According to the (F.)U.K.'s Code for the Crown Prosecution Service, abusive conduct now includes 'withholding money for transitioning [and] refusing to use their preferred name or pronoun.' So a parent with familial or religious objections to the transitioning of a child
would be required under the law to fund operations or treatments."

He explained, "To potentially prosecute a parent for refusing to use an adopted pronoun of (his or her) child is chilling and wrong. Nevertheless, a CPS spokesman doubled down with a comment to Fox News that 'domestic abuse is a severe crime and leaves victims with a lasting impact. This assists prosecutors to ensure that any victim, regardless of who (he or she is), can get justice for the abuse (he or she has) faced.'"

Turley said, "It was Sir Edward Coke in The Institutes of the Laws of England, 1628, who declared, 'For a man’s house is his castle, et domus sua cuique est tutissimum refugium [and each man’s home is his safest refuge].' William Pitt, the first Earl of Chatham, later added, 'The poorest man may in his cottage bid defiance to all the forces of the crown. It may be frail - its roof may shake - the wind may blow through it - the storm may enter - the rain may enter - but the King of England cannot enter.’"

The idea, actually, isn't new.

In the communist State of Kalifornia, a proposed new bill would unlawfully add affirming the sexual transition of a child to the State’s Code for parental responsibility and child welfare.

That would make a parent who declines to affirm transgender ideology adopted by his or her child guilty of abuse, though such a bogus law has little chance of standing against the numerous legal challenges that will be brought against it.

Lawmakers in the State have adopted AB 957. Originally, it demanded courts consider whether a child’s parents were “gender-affirming” in custody cases. However, that was amended to re-invent the State's entire standard for childcare.

It was written to make sure that every parent of a transgender child must affirm that child’s lifestyle choice.

This patently unconstitutional and therefore invalid and unlawful attempt to impose a nonexistent “law” on the people of Kalifornia would not, as some wish, provide "Kalifornia courts complete authority under Section 3011 of Kalifornia’s Family Code to remove a child from his or
her parents’ home if parents disapprove of (homosexual and deviant transgender) ideology." That is because the “law” would be invalid on its face, and nobody would be obligated to follow it.

Leftists pursuing the homosexual and deviant transgender ideologies in Kalifornia simply decided - unlawfully and unconstitutionally - to change the definition of what makes up the “health, safety, and welfare of [a] child,” which will not stand in the face of the numerous legal challenges this Marxist and unlawful activity will generate.

The report said, "In essence, a boy could report his parents to his local school’s Gay-Straight Alliance club or other (homosexual or deviant transgender) organization, which could then report the boy’s parents for child abuse.

Ed. Note: The best way to avoid becoming embroiled in this criminal activity by Marxists in government is to: 1) cancel your marriage license and the attached rules and conditions of its issue; 2) remove your children from any and all public schools and/or private or chartered schools that take money from the fascist federal government (better to let your children grow up illiterate than allow them to be indoctrinated into deviance by communist sympathizers); 3) be prepared to stand up against any who seek to violate your rights to raise your children as you see fit. Call us at 888-385-3733 for more information on how to cancel your marriage license, etc.