Commentary: Refuse to comply with unconstitutional laws

Submitted by Freedomman on Thu, 01/26/2023 - 12:43

by Andrew Wallace

January 16, 2023 - I have never advocated the use of force to overthrow a government, even this one, which is neither legitimate nor constitutional. I have nothing but contempt for most Legislators and “officials”, as they have sold out We The People and destroyed our Republic.

There is but one way to stop this madness, short of Revolution, and that is for the people to grow some balls and Refuse to Comply with all unconstitutional laws. If you refuse to obey, they can’t govern. It is that simple. Remember, they rule with the barrel of a gun, so it will be scary. But the alternative is either a bloody civil war or a lifetime of poverty and servitude.

You must know that your Enemy is the Parasitic Super-Rich Ruling Class (PSRRC), and their Communist minions in Woke corporations, education, government, and Military Flag Officers. They control everything and own most of it. They are responsible for the murder of millions of innocent people in the last 75 years in no-win wars for profit, and they used your money
to do it. These are brutal people with no conscience.

If you refuse to obey unconstitutional laws, our Founding Documents will support your actions. The criminals in government acting under “color of law” have no such lawful backing, but they do have guns; but we have many times more.

You must know that the federal government has no powers in the states, unless they are included in the Limited and Enumerated Powers in our Constitution under Article 1, Section 8. These Enumerated Powers are Defense, Immigration, Commerce , Money, Foreign Relations, Uniform Commercial System, and Post Office.

You should immediately see that a majority of federal laws are unconstitutional in the states, and many are usurpation of state powers. This federal concentration of powers started with (fascist) President (Abraham) Lincoln, resulting in more power and graft for the PSRRC of those times.

Where in the Constitution do you find Education, Energy, Housing and Urban Development, Agriculture, Transportation, Federal Reserve Bank, Labor, Insurance, Health and Human Services, FBI, etc.? You don’t, and this is just the tip of the iceberg.

Some of you uppity people in the cities and universities don’t like President Donald J. Trump’s plain talk, but he talks in the language of “flyover country”, and we understand him quite well. We have heard too many of the snobbish, polished lies of the Ivy League. Frankly, I was surprised that the PSRRC did not assassinate President Trump because of all the great things he was doing for the people that would affect them negatively. Let me list just a few things that President Trump did that no other president had the courage to do.

1. Used tariffs to replace income tax and bring manufacturing jobs back to the (Fascist Police States of Amerika)

2. Secured our borders and deported invaders

3. Stopped the Climate Scam

4. Gave us energy independence

5. Stopped no-win wars for profit

Only God could have done more, in spite of the PSRRC and their minions attacking and framing him in every possible way. The PSRRC is dedicated to their profit and power at any price, and to hell with We the People.

I expect most people to sit on their hands and do nothing, expecting things to continue unchanged, and they will not. Economic reality dictates a major shift to poverty unless we can change direction of our government in a major way.

God Bless Our Constitutional Republic.