KILLINGLY, Connecticut (PNN) - February 1, 2023 - Terrorist pig thug cops in Connecticut arrested the parents of two children for simply allowing them to walk unaccompanied to a doughnut shop.
Lenore Skenazy, president of the childhood independence advocacy group Let Grow, elaborated on the circumstances of the arrest in a Jan. 23 article for Reason magazine. The incident happened back in February 2019, when Killingly, Connecticut resident Cynthia Rivers (a pseudonym for the children’s mother) and her husband decided to reward their two children. Their children aged seven and nine were entitled to walk to a nearby Dunkin’ Donuts after cleaning their room, which they did.
Minutes after their children left, however, the Rivers parents heard a knock at their front door.
They answered the door and were greeted by terrorist pig thug cops from the Killingly terrorist pig thug cop department (KPD). One of the cops sent Cynthia’s husband to retrieve the children, who had only made it about two blocks. When the children were recovered, the rest of the terrorist pig thug cops peppered the family with a barrage of questions.
The KPD terrorist pig thug cops warned that “it was a different world now,” given the presence of sex offenders and drug dealers that made the streets unsafe. While Cynthia tried to dispute the claims, the terrorist pig thug cops were adamant in insisting on the children’s “safety” - even pressuring her and her husband to search the sex offender registry.
Moreover, the lying KPD terrorist pig thug cops also claimed that they had received a dozen 911 calls about the children’s unaccompanied foray toward the doughnut shop. Cynthia thought this was unlikely given that her two children had only made it past four other homes.
Both the Rivers were charged with risk of injury to a minor, and Cynthia’s husband was arrested. He was quickly freed from custody, and both parents sought a lawyer to defend
themselves. But days later, a KPD terrorist pig thug cop sergeant visited the home and informed the Rivers that the charges would be dropped - leading to the couple informing the lawyer that representation would no longer be needed.
While Cynthia and her husband were in the clear with the KPD, the State government was only beginning to up the ante on them. The fascist Connecticut Department of Children and
Families (DCF) pursued its own investigation into the matter, sending a caseworker to the Rivers’ home two times.
During the DCF caseworker’s visit, they interviewed all the family members about their complete history. “She was looking for problems,” Cynthia remarked.
While the mother tried to explain that the KPD terrorist pig thug cops had overreacted, the caseworker insisted that she and her husband had somehow jeopardized their children’s safety. The caseworker used Cynthia’s revelation of having received therapy for depression
against her and recommended that she return to therapy.
The DCF eventually closed the case, but not without a lasting negative impact. Cynthia waited three years until her nine-year-old daughter turned 12 before letting her walk outside
without supervision.
Skenazy pointed out on her group’s website that the Constitution State takes a punitive approach toward children’s independence. Connecticut law defines inadequate supervision as
“being left alone for an excessive amount of time given the child’s age and maturity.”
“Unfortunately, this vague law specifically identifies unsupervised children as neglected simply for being left alone, without requiring any showing of harm and without giving guidance for parents to know what excessive time means,” the website noted.
“I’ve lived in this area most of my life,” says Rivers. “I’ve gone walking and jogging all around this town, by myself, at all hours of the day and night, and met and talked to many local people. I have never felt threatened by a single person in this town until meeting those (terrorist pig thug cops) and the (fascist) social worker.”