Barter systems showing up throughout Greece

Submitted by Freedomman on Wed, 06/27/2012 - 22:08

As a result of the ongoing Depression, IMF-compelled austerity measures, and record high unemployment, barter networks have emerged as an economic alternative that is receiving massive support from the Greek people. While international banksters are promoting policies that take more from the poor, bartering offers real hope to those who have been disempowered by the criminal banking system that has been forced upon European nations.

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Judge Napolitano says Holder executive privilege claim implicates Obama

Submitted by Freedomman on Wed, 06/27/2012 - 22:06

Amerika’s favorite judge exposes the significance of Barack Obama’s recent claim of executive privilege with respect to Congress’ subpoena for documents concerning the unlawful “Fast and Furious” gunrunning operation. Judge Napolitano says now that Obama has claimed executive privilege, he has implicated himself in the criminal cabal involving the failed and unconstitutional secret operation that resulted in the murder of a Border Patrol agent. Either way, Obama and Holder are in hot water now. Stay tuned!

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Rand Paul on his endorsement of Mitt Romney

Submitted by Freedomman on Wed, 06/20/2012 - 21:28

Since Senator Rand Paul formally endorsed Mitt Romney for president, there has been a ground swell of outrage and disappointment from his supporters, many of which have already pulled their support for the junior senator. In this video, Rand Paul explains why he endorsed corporatist/globalist Romney. His reasons appear purely political, which raises the question: if his endorsement of a candidate whose policies are diametrically opposed to truth, justice and individual freedom helps him get a floor vote on auditing the Federal Reserve, is it worth it?

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Will the Illuminati set off a nuclear bomb at the London Olympics?

Submitted by Freedomman on Sat, 06/16/2012 - 22:13

This compelling piece explores the possibility that the Illuminati and other globalists have already provided clues that something is going to happen at the London Olympics in late July; possibly a nuclear explosion. While some of the connections made here may be classified as conspiracy theories, it remains a compelling piece, with valid arguments and viable conclusions based on the number and particulars of many pieces of possible evidence of a major catastrophe taking place at this year’s London Olympics.

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Judge Andrew Napolitano fired by unfair and unbalanced Fox News

Submitted by Freedomman on Wed, 05/30/2012 - 17:24

In a rare overt example of propaganda broadcaster Fox News censoring the truth and only airing false perspectives that it wants its viewers to accept as true, the unfair and unbalanced news network has fired its last remaining truth broadcaster, Amerika’s favorite judge, Andrew Napolitano. During an interview with former intelligence expert Michael Scheuer, the suggestion was made that Saudi Arabia and especially Israel likely have an agenda to get the Fascist Police States of Amerika to invade Iran.

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The Love Police Anti-Terror Squad

Submitted by Freedomman on Wed, 05/30/2012 - 17:22

In this tapestry of modern life in the Fascist Police States of Amerika, fascist terrorist pig thug cops harass and seek to intimidate lawful innocent citizens from exercising their God-given unalienable rights to freely assemble and speak. If we do not take forceful action now to stop the outlaw terrorist government thugs then we might as well resolve to a life of abject servitude to government tyrants for ourselves and our children. Revolution Now! Independence Forever!

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Dictator Obama signs legislation to make free speech protests a felony

Submitted by Freedomman on Wed, 05/30/2012 - 17:20

In the latest outlaw act by Congress and illegitimate President Barack Obama, the Washington power-mad cabal has conspired to unlawfully decide where the Amerikan people have no free speech rights. This is in direct contrast to the limitations imposed on the federal government by the Constitution; meaning has no legitimate force in law. This means any member of the Amerikan Gestapo Secret Service division who enforces this non-law is himself a criminal thug. It is way past time to overthrow the outlaw thugs who currently occupy the Congress and White House. Revolution Now!

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John Stossel’s Illegal Everything!

Submitted by Freedomman on Thu, 05/17/2012 - 00:41

This brilliant exposé clearly shows how the Fascist Police States of Amerika has become a terrorist criminal government, which has passed so many administrative laws that everyone in Amerika is now a criminal. Countless innocent people have had their lives destroyed by pig thug officials in the FPSA, because Amerika is now the Land of the Unfree. There is nothing whatsoever that anyone in the FPSA can do that is not controlled, regulated, or licensed by the terrorist fascist government. This is lengthy but well worth the view.

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Hopi elder says Amerika is doomed

Submitted by Freedomman on Thu, 05/17/2012 - 00:39

In this powerful presentation, a Native American Hopi elder explains with great clarity how the Fascist Police States of Amerika is doomed. He recounts the tragic extermination of the native peoples of the land. He reminds us all that everything comes from the Creator and that we are spiritual beings. And that each of us should treat all things as spirit, reminding us that we are all one family. It is abandonment of the spirit that has sealed Amerika’s doom. Amazing video!

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Government has copies of most of your emails

Submitted by Freedomman on Wed, 05/02/2012 - 18:05

Former National Security Agency operative and whistleblower William Binney speaks candidly about his knowledge that the fascist NSA has copies of almost every email any Amerikan has sent or received. He credibly outlines how the rogue terrorist agency of the Fascist Police States of Amerika has engaged in a conspiracy to deprive the Amerikan people of their privacy and liberty. This is an amazing exposé of the terrorist government that currently and unlawfully occupies our once free country.

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