Top 10 reasons why the Mafia is better than the State

Submitted by Freedomman on Wed, 08/22/2012 - 19:06

This brilliant hysterical piece from the Free State Project at explains why the Mafia is far better to have around than the organized criminals of the State. It will have you rolling on the floor with laughter!

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A car that runs on air

Submitted by Freedomman on Wed, 08/22/2012 - 19:03

This amazing new technological development is a working car that runs on compressed air! The CAT, which stands for Compressed Air Technology, contains an engine that runs on compressed air at the rate of 4300 pounds per square inch. The car can go up to 70 mph; it will travel 125 miles for around $2.00 USD! This is a non-polluting car and it really works!

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Government explained

Submitted by Freedomman on Wed, 08/15/2012 - 18:07

This animated short presentation brilliantly exposes government as a terrorist criminal fraud. Imagine how an alien from another planet might react if you tried to explain to it what government is. Refreshingly candid!

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Reality Check: Unanswered questions about the Colorado theater shooting

Submitted by Freedomman on Wed, 08/15/2012 - 18:05

This featured report asks some very interesting questions about how shooter James Holmes managed to acquire the very expensive firearms he reportedly had when he entered a theater in Aurora, Colorado, and shot and killed 10 people. Furthermore, he reportedly told thug cops that he had set up a complex explosive system in his home, which makes no sense whatsoever. Also, according to witnesses, he was not alone in the theater. There are many unanswered questions with respect to this apparently politically manipulated event. What do you think?

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65-year-old woman shoots and fights off five armed robbers

Submitted by Freedomman on Wed, 08/15/2012 - 18:04

An elderly woman storeowner fights off five armed robbers by shooting them with her gun! Nevertheless, pig thug cops in southern Kalifornia warn citizens to not use firearms, even if it means getting robbed or even killed. That is life in the Fascist Police States of Amerika!

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Ice-T defends gun rights

Submitted by Freedomman on Wed, 08/01/2012 - 17:08

Entertainment celebrity Ice-T eloquently expresses what all true freedom lovers understand: that the right to keep and bear arms exists as “the last form of defense against tyranny”. He correctly explains that the purpose of owning firearms is to protect yourself from terrorist pig thug cops and totalitarian dictators in government. A magnificent piece!

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Rep. Mike Rogers blasts Congress on Obamacare

Submitted by Freedomman on Wed, 08/01/2012 - 17:02

In his opening statement on health care reform, Michigan Congressman Mike Rogers eloquently lambastes Congress for attacking the individual freedom of Amerikans to choose their own medical care, doctors, and insurance. Good for you, Congressman Rogers!

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Pig cops murder handcuffed man in cold blood

Submitted by Freedomman on Wed, 07/25/2012 - 20:48

This is one more egregious case of terrorist pig thug cops murdering an unarmed man; this time the victim was in handcuffs when the outlaw cops murdered him. It is time for the people to shoot the fascist pig thug cops before they murder you or your friends and families. Revolution Now! Independence Forever!

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I hereby secede

Submitted by Freedomman on Thu, 07/19/2012 - 04:12

Citizen Roger Young puts forth his personal declaration of secession from the body politic known as the United States of America. He eloquently states that he no longer supports, is a party to, or participates in the responsibilities, agreements or liabilities of the United States government.

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Propaganda selling of wars

Submitted by Freedomman on Wed, 07/04/2012 - 19:26

This informative video shows how the Fascist Police States of Amerika regularly uses taxpayer money to put out lies and propaganda in order to influence the public to support unlawful wars and imperialistic expansion of the military industrial complex. As long as the Amerikan people refuse to take action to overthrow the outlaw thug officials that are conducting these unconstitutional activities, such lies and misrepresentation will continue unabated. Revolution Now! Independence Forever!

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