Veteran Connecticut cop Mark S. Mann (not his real name) expounds on numerous contradictions and inconsistencies in connection with the official stories concerning the Sandy Hook Elementary School shootings. He explains how the shootings are being used to justify stepped-up efforts to undermine the Second Amendment and confiscate the guns of millions of law-abiding Amerikans. Revolution Now! Independence Forever!
Sandy Hook: Connecticut cop speaks about contradictions, inconsistencies and gun grab
The Truth Behind the 2013 NDAA: The Feinstein/Lee Amendment
In this hard-hitting Full Exposure expose, Ben Swann takes a candid look at the Feinstein-Lee Amendment to the National Defense Authorization Act. This amendment revised the prohibition against indefinite detention of Amerikans. According to Senator Rand Paul (Kent.), the revision actually provides the fascist government with greater latitude in exercising unconstitutional (i.e. unlawful) powers to detain Amerikans forever, without judicial oversight or even charges being filed against them.
The most honest three and a half minutes of television ever! MUST SEE
This remarkable video clearly displays how the United States is no longer the greatest country in the world, even though propagandists continually declare that it is; providing actual examples of its allegations.
Everyone is under virtual surveillance
Russia Today talks to William Binney, whistleblower and former NSA crypto-mathematician who served in the agency for decades. He reveals that every single person living in the Fascist Police States of Amerika is under virtual surveillance; that every citizen’s emails, web use, telephone communications, etc. is recorded, stored and retained by fascist federal thug officials, to be used if the government ever decides to do so. When is enough, enough? It is time to rise up and forcibly overthrow the oppressive totalitarian dictatorship that exists today. Revolution Now!
Peter Schiff: The majority doesn't have a right to steal my money just because they vote to do it
Economist and commentator Peter Schiff engages in a heated discussion on economics, tax burden, government spending, and the approach of the propaganda-labeled “fiscal cliff”; an intelligent discussion ensues.
Republican state senator says nullifiers should be hanged and shot
Ben Swann explains the process of nullification, which allows states to reject unconstitutional or dictatorial federal laws. He discusses how Florida State Senate President Don Gaetz recently responded to a call for nullification of the unconstitutional Affordable Care Act by saying he would shoot and hang the nullifiers. He wrote that his oath was to defend and uphold the Constitution and the government of the United States. Sorry, senator, but your oath has nothing to do with upholding the fascist outlaw government; just the Constitution.
I did not pledge my allegiance
A young woman describes her stand against arbitrarily obeying commands in Amerika. She refused to stand up and pledge allegiance to a flag that today represents fascism, tyranny, repression, and totalitarianism. Good for you AmandaBillyRock!
Liberty by The Interrupters
Enjoy this new song by The Interrupters. Listen to the lyrics, which ask the question, Where did my liberty go?
The Singing Revolution in Estonia
This inspirational video tells the story of how Estonia conducted a freedom revolution through song.
The Patriot Congressman speaks about secession
In this brief presentation, Congressman Dr. Ron Paul discusses the long standing time honored lawful principle that each state has the right to secede from the Union at any time, regardless of the untrue and illegal claims made by dictator Abraham Lincoln and dictator Obama. Secession was even included in the original New York and Virginia state constitutions. It is time to stop supporting the totalitarianism of the fascist federal government! Revolution Now! Independence Forever!