Clare Daly of the Irish Parliament verbally rapes Obama and exposes him for the war-mongering liar that he is. She accuses the parliament of pimping out her nation like prostitutes for Obama. She also accuses Obama of hypocrisy because he is calling for peace in Syria while at the same time funding weapons to terrorists to destabilize the nation.
Obama exposed in the Irish Parliament by Clare Daly
Millions protest in Rio de Janeiro
Millions of people are protesting against government corruption in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The people are waking up, but is it in time?
Escaping from zip ties
This informative video shows you how to escape from plastic zip ties, which these days are used with increasing frequency to immobilize an individual. This is extremely worthwhile information!
How Turkish protesters deal with tear gas
This brief but educational video shows how Turkish protesters deal with tear gas attacks by terrorist pig thug cops. Perhaps we can all learn something from these activists!
Wake up call 2013: Creeping scourge of the surveillance state
Excellent montage of topical snippets through which the viewer comes to an understanding that the surveillance state is growing by leaps and bounds. An Orwellian dystopia is right around the corner unless we take action now! We must rise up and overthrow the lawless thugs that for far too long have occupied our once free country. Revolution Now! Independence Forever!
The Roswell Chicken Man
This is the story of the Roswell Chicken Man, Andrew Wordes, who tried to fight back against government abuse after the Town of Roswell, Georgia, tried to steal his land, threw him in jail for raising chickens, bankrupted him and foreclosed on his home, and sadly caused him to lose everything including his life. More info about this abuse of power and the story of the Roswell Chicken Man @
15-year-old girl leaves anti-gun politicians speechless
This amazing video shows a 15-year-old girl who has been shooting for eight years addressing the Maryland House of Representatives. She eloquently presents facts showing that gun control laws do not make Amerikans safer but rather result in an increase in gun violence crimes. This girl’s parents should be very proud of her principled stand on behalf of core American values. A Must see video!
Reality Check: Who is really responsible for the Boston Marathon bombing?
Ben Swann examines the recent Boston Marathon bombing. He asks whether the Amerikan Gestapo Federal Bureau of Investigation division is responsible for this and other bombings; is the FBI arranging for terror attacks in order to make the Amerikan people think they are being protected by pig thug federal officials?
Judge Napolitano discusses Rand Paul’s position on drones
In this video, Judge Andrew Napolitano analyzes and explains Senator Rand Paul’s position concerning the use of drone assassins by terrorist pig thug officials in the Fascist Police States of Amerika.
New gun shoots DNA markers
A new weapon has been developed for use by terrorist outlaw pig thug cops against innocent Amerikan citizens. It is a gun that shoots DNA markers, which can then be used to identify the target as having been present at a particular place at a particular time. Perhaps we need to develop our own weapons to use against the terrorist pig thug cops.