Battle for the Kalifornia Desert: fascist government is driving folks off their land

Submitted by Freedomman on Wed, 01/29/2014 - 18:51

The latest terrorist violation by the Amerikan Gestapo is taking place in Kalifornia’s Antelope valley. It has created a terrorist group called Nuisance Abatement Teams, which are illegally entering onto private property and telling the property owners who have been living off the grid that they cannot live on their own properties. When is enough, enough? It is time to overthrow the fascist pigs that have usurped authority in our once free country. Revolution Now! Independence Forever!

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TSA propaganda video for children

Submitted by Freedomman on Wed, 01/01/2014 - 20:08

The Amerikan Gestapo Transportation Security Administration division has produced a short video designed to indoctrinate young children into the false belief that the fascist TSA is a good agency and outlaw TSA thug agents are actually good people working to make them more secure. Nowhere in the video does it even suggest that innocent travelers will be subjected to pat downs and unconstitutional searches and seizures. This piece of trash propaganda would make Adolf Hitler proud!

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Release Us - a short film on police brutality MUST SEE!!

Submitted by Freedomman on Wed, 12/25/2013 - 16:10

500 innocent Amerikans are murdered by terrorist pig thug cops every year, for a total of 5,000 since September 11, 2001 - equal to the number of all Fascist Police States of Amerika soldiers lost in Iraq. Billions of dollars have been spent and dozens of laws have been passed, all geared towards the fascist government using the "War on Drugs" and "War on Terror" to attack the lives, liberties and properties of the Amerikan people. Fantastic video!

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South Carolina seeking to pass bill that would eliminate Obamacare

Submitted by Freedomman on Wed, 12/25/2013 - 16:08

South Carolina is seeking to pass a law that would eliminate Obamacare in the state. Judge Andrew Napolitano - Amerika’s favorite judge - discusses this revolutionary approach to the unconstitutional federal health care law. Many other states are watching South Carolina, preparing to introduce their own similar laws. Revolution Now! Independence Forever!

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MEP says the State is an institution of theft

Submitted by Freedomman on Wed, 12/25/2013 - 16:07

European Union Parliament Member Godfrey Bloom candidly quotes Amerikan philosopher Murray Rothbard in saying that the State is an institution of theft at large, and that taxes are about a system whereby politicians and bureaucrats steal money from the general population. He says it won’t be long before the people strom Parliament and hang the corrupt ministers! From Godfrey Bloom’s lips to God’s ear! Refreshingly honest!

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Programmer under oath admits computers rig elections

Submitted by Freedomman on Wed, 12/25/2013 - 16:06

Software programmer Clinton Eugene Curtis says Fascist Police States of Amerika elections are rigged and that FPSA Representatives tried to pay him to rig their election vote counts. When is enough, enough? It is time to overthrow the corrupt outlaws who have usurped authority in our once free country! Revolution Now! Independence Forever!

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Obamacare website says users have no reasonable expectation of privacy

Submitted by Freedomman on Wed, 12/25/2013 - 16:04

Texas Rep. Joe Barton grills an ObamaCare Contractor during a House Hearing on why hidden source code on the ObamaCare Website says "Users have no reasonable expectation of privacy" on information they enter.

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Judge Napolitano on Obamacare

Submitted by Freedomman on Wed, 12/04/2013 - 19:58

Amerika’s favorite judge and modern day freedom fighter, Andrew J. Napolitano speaks about Obamacare on a recent edition of FOX News. He correctly explains that the federal government has no authority to engage in health care legislation, making the Affordable Care Act null and void as a matter of law. He reminds us that only the states have the authority to write health care legislation, since the Constitution does not empower the federal government to do so.

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Matt Damon speaks about civil disobedience

Submitted by Freedomman on Wed, 12/04/2013 - 19:56

Actor Matt Damon speaks about civil disobedience, reading from a 1970 speech given by activist Howard Zinn. He reminds us of the Hitler and Stalin regimes, wherein ordinary people simply did what they were told to do; they blindly obeyed. He rails against the Rule of Law as it is applied today. Good, conscionable people must be willing to rise up and resist illegitimate authority. It is time to disobey the laws of the State and return to the principles enshrined in the Declaration of Independence! Revolution Now! Independence Forever!

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Terrorist pig thug cop convicted of assaulting a citizen

Submitted by Freedomman on Wed, 11/06/2013 - 18:54

Terrorist pig thug cop Clinton Turner brutally beat a man for being a wiseass; he warned the victim, “Just say something. I dare you.” The terrorist pig thug cop has now been convicted of assaulting store clerk Daniel Fox. What a refreshing story.

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