Ted Nugent speaks out for the Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association. Visit http://cspoa.org/join-cspoa-today/ to join now!
Ted Nugent joins Constitutional Sheriffs Association
Working invisibility cloak has been invented
If you're a fan of Harry Potter or Star Trek, you probably already know what cloaking devices do. In the world of science fiction, they can make things disappear, just like magic. But how does cloaking work in the real world? It can often be a very complicated setup that involves a lot of math and specialized optics, but researchers at the University of Rochester have been working on simplifying that approach.
Thorium car runs for 100 years without refueling
If your car was powered by thorium, you would never need to refuel it. The vehicle would burn out long before the chemical did. The thorium would last so long, in fact, it would probably outlive you. That's why a company called Laser Power Systems has created a concept for a thorium-powered car engine. The element is radioactive, and the team uses bits of it to build a laserbeam that heats water, produces steam, and powers an energy-producing turbine.
Angry mob throws Ukraine MP in rubbish bin
Screaming curses, a group of men outside of the Ukrainian parliament grabbed a deputy and threw him into a rubbish bin on Tuesday, September 16. Vitaly Zhuravsky, once a member of former President Viktor Yanukovich's Party of the Regions, authored a bill in January severely tightening restrictions on anti-government protesters. In the past, he authored a bill criminalising libel.
Was Scotland independece vote rigged?
Check out this video. It appears to show a vote counter moving "Yes” votes from one pile into another pile of "No” votes. Are the results of this vote based on vote rigging? Are some trying to steal the future of Scotland?
Criminal dictator Obama seeks to illegally make law
Senator Rand Paul (Kent.) says that illegitimate President Barack Obama has gone way beyond his lawful authority and is acting like a dictator that does not recognize the checks and balances that exist in federal law. It is way past time to impeach this would-be dictator and throw him out of office! Revolution Now! Independence Forever!
Ebola spread inhibited by Nano Silver
Medical Director of the Natural Solutions Foundation Dr Rima Laibow claims she found a natural cure for the deadly disease and today we are asking her about Nano Silver, a natural resource she claims is the cure for Ebola, which she says is known by the Amerikan Gestapo Department of Defense division as a cure for Ebola.
The Declaration of Bitcoin's Independence
When we say Bitcoin, we mean the idea: the birth of cryptocurrency. We know it's not perfect. But we're not after perfection, we're after progression. We're after a way out. And we will not stop. Bitcoin is sovereign currency.
New wrist-mounted semi-automatic crossbow
German inventor Patrick Priebe has designed a wrist-mounted semi-automatic crossbow. While the inventor is not making this device available to the public, and will offer no tutorials on how to make one, it is noteworthy that he was able to devise such an effective weapon. More technical geniuses are needed in order to build effectiuve weapons to use in defense of our freedoms around the world.
Speech that got Judge Napolitano fired from Fox News
Asking questions as Judge Andrew Napolitano did in a recent broadcast on his now cancelled daily show may very well be the reason behind his recent dismissal from Fox News. Though specific details are hard to come by because the Judge has yet to give any interviews on the matter, it's believed that his refusal to bow to commonly manufactured media narratives is among one of several key reasons he is no longer with the network.