Congressman Bill Posey (Fla.) speaks on the House floor about a Centers for Disease Control and Prevention whistleblower exposing deception at the CDC concerning a report on the deletrious effects of vaccines on children, specifically addressing the relationship between vaccinations and autism, and how vacines may actually cause autism in children.
CDC whistleblower discloses deception
Worthless by Agnes Török
Poem by Agnes Török on the news of a new Conservative budget. Based on experiences of living in Britain under austerity as a young, unemployed female immigrant student - and not taking it any more.
The Terrafugia TF-X™ flying automobile
Terrafugia is excited to premier the new Outer Mold Line for the TF-X™, Terrafugia's vision for the future of personal transportation. The TF-X™ will be a four-seat, vertical takeoff and landing hybrid electric aircraft that makes flying easier and safer than ever before. Visit for more information.
Young girl explains what’s wrong with mandating vaccinations
Young Olivia, a Kalifornia native, explains why SB.277 – the fascist Kalifornia seeking to force all children to receive poisonous vaccinations in order to attend public or private school – is fundamentally wrong and unconstitutional. This is a law that should be disobeyed. This is the reason why parents should homeschool their children. Revolution Now! Independence Forever!
The hard core truth about Jade Helm
PLEASE get this information out!!! SHARE and RE-POST as far and wide as you can folks! A learned network/software engineer’s analysis of what’s really behind the "Jade Helm Exercise", (aka "Jade Helm 15"), (Joint Assistant For Development and Execution (JADE).
South Carolina statehouse fights over Confederate flag controversy
The Confederate flag is no longer flying over Fort Sumter, South Carolina, where Southerners fired the first shots of the War of Northern Aggression. Legislators may be ready to do the same at the statehouse, where one person faces charges after supporters and opponents of the flag slugged it out Monday. Every day the flag continues to fly, emotions on both sides of the issue run higher. Michelle Miller reports from Emanuel AME Church in Charleston.
John Wayne 1970 Variety Show Celebrating America's History
Legendary actor John Wayne in a clip from 1970 on the TV variety show he hosted celebrating America’s history. Many famous actors and actresses are featured in this video singing God Bless America including Ann Margaret, Lucille Ball, Jack Benny, George Burns, Johnny Cash, Roy Clark, Bing Crosby, Phyllis Diller, Lorne Greene, Bob Hope, Forrest Lewis, Dean Martin, William Shatner, Tom Smothers, and many more. What a classic video this is.
How FBI strategies are actually creating terrorists on our soil
There's an organization responsible for more terrorism plots in the United States than al-Qaeda, al-Shabaab and ISIS combined: The FBI. How? Why? In an eye-opening talk, investigative journalist Trevor Aaronson reveals a disturbing FBI practice that breeds terrorist plots by exploiting Muslim-Americans with mental health problems.
Is the CIA providing security or threatening Liberty?
Patriot Dr. Ron Paul discusses how parts of the USA PATRIOT Act have temporarily lapsed, which is to be cheered, but that the greater danger - the danger of secret government - remains. The CIA embodies that danger.
Drone captures massive anti-government rally in Macedonia
Macedonia is reeling from anti-government protests. Today the capital Skopje has become center-stage for a massive rally - and the opposition says it will stay in the streets until the government resigns.