This extremely useful short video produced by the hacker group Anonymous provides clear and effective methods of fighting back against the growing surveillance state, and especially teaches you how to defeat facial recognition devices.
Anonymous: Fighting facial recognition
The world’s shortest political quiz
This informative presentation from Marc Stevens will entertain and amuse you, while expounding on the ultra serious situation that exists in the Fascist Police States of Amerika. It is time to overthrow the terrorist pig thug officials and cops that have taken over our once free country! Revolution Now! Independence Forever!
RNC fraud and criminal corruption 2012
This excellent comprehensive summary of the criminal corruption of the outlaw pig thug officials of the Republican National Convention should be a wake-up call to anyone and everyone who cares about truth, justice and liberty. The RNC has shown itself to be organized criminals involved in organized crime. They have disenfranchised millions of people who value the fundamental principles of limited government, constitutional Rule of Law, and the values of individual liberty and God-given rights.
Stop feeding the rigged system
In this fascinating video, activist Chris Duane of Sons of Liberty Academy presents an interesting proposition: to stop fighting the criminal political cabal and just remove yourself from existing society. He advocates each individual asserting his or her independence by no longer playing the political game. Citing Mahatma Gandhi’s nonviolent Revolution, he provides food for thought for an audience that is tired of banging its collective head against the immovable object of political and corporate greed and corruption.
Saint Paul police brutality
In a perfect example of criminal terrorist cops at work, a terrorist pig thug cop from Saint Paul, Minnesota is seen kicking and tasering an man who is supposed to be presumed to be innocent until proven guilty. His criminal terrorist partner soon joins him and continues assaulting, battering, kicking,. Tasering and brutalizing this man who in no way is resisting this criminal treatment being perpetrated by the pig thug cops on him. It is time to Taser, kick, assault and batter the pig thug cops that are infesting our streets here in the Fascist Police States of Amerika.
RNC commits election fraud at national convention
This report on the election fraud perpetrated by pig thug officials of the Republican Party at the Republican National Convention in Tampa, Florida, clearly shows how the criminal cabal that is the GOP manipulated and overtly disregarded Party rules that favored Congressman Ron Paul - known widely as The Patriot Congressman. Some True Patriots need to arrest the pig thug GOP Party Chairman and haul him off to where he will never again see the light of day! We must overthrow the pig thug officials who have taken over our once free country and reclaim America as the Land of the Free.
Anger erupts at convention due to overt GOP corruption
In one of the most blatant acts of criminal corruption in modern times, the outlaw thug officials of the Republican Party forced through an unlawful provision barring effectively Congressman Ron Paul - The Patriot Congressman - and any other freedom loving Amerikan Patriots, from ever being heard on the floor of the GOP national convention. It is way past time to overthrow the pig thug officials that have usurped authority and taken over our once free country. Revolution Now! Independence Forever!
Government as God
This hard-hitting piece by Larken Rose tells it exactly the way it is. If you are one of the many parasites living in the Fascist Police States of Amerika, then you won’t like what he has to say. The truth is frequently the hardest medicine to take. However, if you are a True Patriot, then you will find this to be most refreshing.
Spy car protects against pig thug cops
Rick Renewson of Veterans against Police Abuse explains his new car, which is equipped with a number of technological enhancements, including bulletproof windows, various hidden audio and video recording devices, a GPS position identification system, and a secret computer storage mechanism designed to record the unlawful activities of pig thug cops, and a number of other very cool devices designed to protect your life, liberty and property.
Marine veteran Brandon Raub speaks out from psych ward
In this exclusive interview conducted by Adam Kokesh of Adam vs. the Man, Marine veteran Brandon Raub, speaks out about his forced incarceration by the Fascist Police States of Amerika for freely expressing his concerns about the oppressiveness of the current fascist regime. If anything, this assault on free speech justifies an armed Revolution to overthrow the criminal cabal that has occupied our once free country for far too long. Revolution Now! Independence Forever!