CNN’s Jack Cafferty provides some rare CNN common sense by his commentary on the way presidential candidate Congressman Ron Paul has been treated by mainstream media. If more mainstream broadcasters get on board the Ron Paul bandwagon, it is just possible that The Patriot Congressman could become the next President of the United States!
Jack Cafferty says Ron Paul Deserves More Attention
I’m from the government!
This brief clip filmed in Public Service Announcement style should chill your bones. Whenever someone from the government comes ringing your doorbell, it is time to hunker down and defend your life, liberty and property!
Criminal thug cop arrests CBS cameraman
In a perfect example of the evolution of the Police States of Amerika, a thug cop demanded that CBS news cameraman Jim Quartermine stop videotaping a public gathering. When he refused he was neck-choked, handcuffed and thrown into a squad car for an hour. When anchorwoman Chris Sloane told the hoodlum officer that he couldn’t do that, the thug cop said, “I can do whatever the hell I want!” When is enough, enough? Revolution Now! Independence Forever!
Florida man explains why he loves Orlando police
In this hysterical parody, a Florida man explains to WFTV Channel 9 News the many reasons he loves and supports the Orlando Police Department, which has been diligently ensuring that anyone who feeds the hungry is punished, and thereby maintaining law and order in this central Florida city!
George Carlin: The Illusion of Choice
In this brilliant presentation, the late George Carlin expounds on how Amerika has become the Land of No Freedom, where people are given the illusion of choice while the global elite continue to run the world for their own selfish objectives. Whether or not you are a George Carlin fan, this video is a must see!
Science fiction replicator exists with new 3D printer
In this astonishing demonstration, a new 3D printer can actually create three-dimensional constructs! You take a solid object and place it into the 3D printer; out comes a duplicate and fully functional object! The future has arrived! Though the potential for abuse must be considered, this is a truly exciting breakthrough!
Kucinich demands Congress take back control of the money supply
In this brief but spirited speech on the floor of the House of Representatives, Dennis Kucinich reminds the Congress that the Founding Fathers and Framers of the Constitution never intended for our country to be run by big banks and private cartels. He calls for the reclamation by Congress of the power to create and control the issue of money… not for the big banks but for the benefit of the American people!
City Council to require citizens to provide keys to their businesses
The Cedar Falls, Iowa City Council has usurped its authority by purporting to pass an ordinance requiring all commercial entities to provide keys to their businesses to city officials. Hopefully, the citizens of Cedar Rapids will refuse to comply! Revolution Now! Independence Forever!
American Free Press report on 2011 Bilderberg meeting
The annual Bilberberg meeting is being held in St., Moritz, Switzerland, to the disappointment of many Swiss that believe holding the globalist meeting here compromises their culture of neutrality. This preliminary report sets the stage for the upcoming meeting of these people who would rule the world.
Nazi bastard cops murder Marine in his own home! WARNING: NOT FOR THE FAINT HEARTED!
In this chilling video you will see the Nazi bastard cops murder a U.S. Marine who was defending his home from invasion. The cops mistakenly raided his home and then fired 71 rounds before the Marine could shoot once. This is the thuggery that you have allowed to arise in the Fascist Police States of Amerika! All Amerikans should be ashamed at the evil they have allowed to exist within their midst. If you don’t rise up and overthrow this thug government, then you are as bad as the Nazis. Revolution Now! Independence Forever!