David Icke delivers a message to fascist police around the world. Rise up and resist the orders of your fascist masters, for the day will come when you realize your complicity in the creation of a tyrannical State in which your children and their children will have to live.
David Icke on Police State tactics (adult langauge)
The Real Terrorist was Me
Iraqi war veteran Mike Prysner has become one of the most outspoken activists against the military-industrial complex strategy of invasion and occupation of foreign countries for profit. He eloquently explains how the real terrorists are those who send troops to fight and die in undeclared and unconstitutional (i.e. illegal) wars.
Movement to bypass the Constitution in presidential elections
In this horrifying but true report on a real effort to garner state support for bypassing the Constitution in the selection of presidential candidates. This effort, if successful, would eliminate any remaining republican forms of government and establish an absolute Democracy, in which the individual and any minorities have no voice in their government whatsoever. However, even if this proposal garners the desired state support, it is a clear violation of the Constitution and so would almost certainly be challenged by the Judiciary.
Former U.N. inspector speaks about the invasion of Iraq
Former United Nations weapons inspector Hans Blix speaks candidly about how the Anerikan military machine, in a predetermined outcome, disregarded his findings that Saddam Hussein had no WMDs and along with its British minion, illegally and unlawfully invaded the sovereign country of Iraq.
Drugs found in drinking water throughout the United States (MUST SEE)
According to a recent series of tests conducted by the Associated Press National Investigation Team, over 41 million people are currently drinking treated water that contains countless pharmaceutical poisonous drugs; and while the testing was comprehensive it did not cover the entire country. We are allowing the poisoning of our water, and all approved by our federal government! When is enough, enough? Revolution Now! Independence Forever!
Oil slick covers dolphins and whales (VERY DISTURBING)
Time Out! with special guest Brent Johnson
U.S. closes portion of Arizona to American citizens
The federal government has now declared a section of one of the United States off limits to Americans. Furthermore, this area is currently occupied by invading Mexicans, while the federal government does nothing. It is time for the American people to rise up and overthrow the criminal government occupying their land, and then forcibly remove the Mexicans invading our country. Revolution Now! Independence Forever!
BP responds to major coffee spill
In this hysterical spoof, BP and Halliburton executives respond to a disastrous coffee spill! Will leave you rolling on the floor laughing!
Congressman Assaults Student on Washington Sidewalk
Talk about taxation without representation! Congressman Bob Etheridge (202-225-4531) assaulted a student who asked him a question. He treated the innocent student as if he was something the thug congressman scraped from his shoe. He should be imprisoned for assault, thrown out of office, and denied any pension. When is enough, enough? Revolution Now! Independence Forever!