This frightening glimpse into state-of-the-art military weapons development reveals upcoming technology that will utilize flying machines that will be programmed to attack targets directly or indirectly - mark for tracking, stalk, monitor, etc. Freedom fighters must develop counter-technologies to defend against these intrusive devices that most certainly threaten our freedom! The future is here; we must build a defense now!
U.S. Air Force Micro Air Vehicle Weapon
FESTO Smart Bird
With the rise in technology, robots are getting smarter and closer to the living objects they resemble. Here is a smart robot bird FESTO, which looks exactly like a real bird while flying in the air. FESTO can use its wings like bird, and move its tail and head to make anybody believe that it is a real bird flying near them.
Atom smasher could be used as time machine
GENEVA, Switzerland - March 15, 2011 - In a long shot theory, physicists propose that the world's largest atom smasher could be used as a time machine to send a special kind of matter backward in time.
The scientists outline a way to use the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), a 17-mile long particle accelerator buried underground near Geneva, to send a hypothetical particle called the Higgs singlet to the past.
Geologist claims alarming magnetic field changes signal imminent major west coast quake
SAN FRANCISCO, Kalifornia - March 16, 2011 - A former United States Geological Survey scientist says a major quake on the west coast is imminent.
Jim Berkland predicts earthquakes…accurately.
Never heard of him? Perhaps you should - especially if you live on or near the west coast of the United States, or know someone that does.
The XM-25: Army's Future Weapon
The latest secret weapon designed by the United States military should be frightening to all freedom lovers. When a psychopathic government controls weapons of this sort, we would all do well to be very afraid.
Future cars to decide if driver is drunk
BOSTON, Massachusetts - January 31, 2011 - Future technology may put the brakes on drunk drivers and save many lives as researchers in Massachusetts are developing a system that will prevent a car from starting if the driver's blood alcohol level is higher than the legal limit.
The new technology, known as the Driver Alcohol Detection Systems for Safety, would use sensors that would measure blood alcohol content of the driver in two possible ways, by analyzing a driver's breath or through the skin, using sophisticated touch-based sensors situated in places like steering wheels and door locks.
Even DHS is freaked out by spy drones over Amerika
January 26, 2011 - Police departments around the country are warming up to unmanned spy planes. But don’t expect the Department of Homeland Security to catch drone fever anytime soon. It’s too controversial for an agency already getting hammered for naked scanners and junk touching.
New Big Brother device can ID fingerprints from a distance
January 19, 2011 - While ears may be the new bionetric du jour, Advanced Optical Systems (AOS) is doing its best to keep fingerprints as the preferred method for identifying enemies of the state. The company has built a fingerprint scanner with the ability to accurately read a print up to two meters away, and our military views the system as a means to reduce the risk to soldiers at security checkpoints all over the world.
Bill Gates wants to register all newborns on the planet for vaccines
Natural News - January 17, 2011 - Bill Gates is promoting a plan to use wireless technology to register every newborn on the planet in a vaccine database.
In a keynote address to the mHealth Summit, which focuses on using mobile technology to improve health care, Gates said that improving survival rates among children under the age of 5 would benefit not just individual families, but societies and the planet as a whole.
Weird nuclear reaction at CERN baffles physicists
GENEVA, Switzerland - January 12, 2011 - The world of physics can be strange, very strange indeed; and every once in awhile something happens during an experiment that throws a wrench into the neatly constructed model of how everything works and causes all assumptions to be reassessed.
Such a thing happened to the physicists at CERN, home of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) in Geneva, Switzerland during December 2010.