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Bottle bombs being left in yards and mailboxes | Revolution Now!

Bottle bombs being left in yards and mailboxes

Submitted by Freedomman on Wed, 08/17/2011 - 15:33

PITTSBURGH, Pennsylvania - August 11, 2011 - Young people are putting Drano, pieces of aluminum foil and a little water in soda bottles and then capping the bottles. They leave the bottles on lawns or and in mailboxes. When you pick up the bottle, if its contents are shaken even just a little, then in about 30 seconds or less it explodes with enough force to remove some of your extremities. The liquid that comes out is boiling hot, too.

Don't pick up any plastic bottles that you see lying around in your yard or the gutter, etc.. If you see a plastic soda bottle with a cap, it may contain Drano mixed with water and small pieces of foil. If you pick it up; then BOOM!! You will have no fingers left and may receive other serious injuries to your face, eyes, etc.

People are finding these "bombs" in mailboxes, their yards, or simply lying on the ground, just waiting to be picked up and placed in the trash. But you'll never make it! It takes only 30 seconds to blow after you move it.

Pay attention to this.

Lieutenant William D. Mathias
City of Pittsburgh Police Department
Narcotics, Vice and Firearms Tracking Unit

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