CyLab researchers have developed and released a new smartphone app to provide users with a free and easy to use means for secure messaging and file transfer. With SafeSlinger, a user can establish secure communications directly with trusted individuals and groups in ten seconds, with nothing more than the smartphone in their hand. Reportedly, not even the NSA can break this encryption.
SafeSlinger provides NSA-proof secure communications
Researchers claim to have created messaging app even NSA can’t crack
PITTSBURGH, Pennsylvania (PNN) - October 8, 2013 - Carnegie Mellon University researchers claim they have created a smart phone messaging app with security that not even the National Security Agency can break.
Matchstick-sized sensor can record your private chats
AMSTERDAM, The Netherlands (PNN) - September 26, 2013 - Everyone knows that to have a private chat in the National Security Agency era, you go outdoors. Phones, the Internet, email and your office can all be compromised with ease. But soon even that whispered conversation in the park may no longer be safe from prying ears.
New ‘ray gun’ can disable vehicles via EMP
BERLIN, Germany (PNN) - September 14, 2013 - A new gadget built by Diehl Defense, much like a portable Electro-Magnetic Pulse ray gun, can disable a vehicles electronic circuitry rendering it useless in battlefield or pursuit conditions.
Voyager 1 has left the solar system
HOUSTON, Texas (PNN) - September 12, 2013 - NASA's Voyager 1 spacecraft officially is the first human-made object to venture into interstellar space. The 36-year-old probe is about 12 billion miles from our sun.
Apple fingerprint ID may mean you can no longer take the Fifth
CUPERTINO, Kalifornia (PNN) - September 12, 2013 - There’s a lot of talk around biometric authentication since Apple introduced its newest iPhone, which will let users unlock their device with a fingerprint. Given Apple’s industry-leading position, it’s probably not a far stretch to expect this kind of authentication to take off. Some even argue that Apple’s move is a death knell for authenticators based on what a user knows (like passwords and PIN numbers).
Doctor claims new medical breakthrough allows corpses to be revived within a day of being dead
NEW YORK (PNN) - August 22, 2013 - It is generally the case that once a person dies, there is only about a three-to-five minute window of potential resuscitation time before he or she becomes irreversibly dead, depending on the cause of death. But an Amerikan clinical care physician claims to have come up with a new way to revive corpses several hours after being dead, a process that with future advancements could eventually make it possible to revive the deceased up to 24 hours after death, he says.
Greek community creates an off-the-grid Internet
ATHENS, Greece (PNN) - August 19, 2013 - In an effort to buck the expensive rates of unreliable corporate telecom companies, a community in Athens, Greece, has created its own private Internet.
Built from a network of wireless rooftop antennas, the Athens Wireless Metropolitan Network (AWMN) now has more than 1,000 members. Data moves “through” the AWMN mesh up to 30 times faster than it does on the telecom-provided Internet.
Must have future gadgets 2014
The future must have gadgets for 2014, what will they be? There are some amazing gadgets being released next year that will be revolutionary.
Amazing New Technology 2013
In this year we will see some amazing technologies,like Google Smart-Glasses, 3D Printing, Leap Motion, 3D Printing, transparent phone, Flexible Technology and Flying Car.