ODENSE, Denmark (PNN) - October 4, 2014 - Using specially synthesized crystalline materials, scientists from the University of Southern Denmark have created a substance that is able to absorb and store oxygen in such high concentrations that just one bucketful is enough to remove all of the oxygen in a room. The substance is also able to release the stored oxygen in a controlled manner when it is needed, so just a few grains could replace the need for divers to carry bulky scuba tanks.
Oxygen absorbing material may allow us to breathe underwater
How Hong Kong protesters are communicating without the Internet
CUPERTINO, Kalifornia (PNN) - October 1, 2014 - FireChat is a chatting app. After registering with a name - no email address or other personal identifiers required - you’re dropped into a fast-moving chatroom of “Everyone” using it in your country. The interesting aspect, however, is the “Nearby” option. Here, the app uses Apple’s Multipeer Connectivity framework, essentially a peer-to-peer feature that lets you share messages (and soon photos) with other app users nearby, regardless of whether you have an actual Wi-Fi or cellular connection.
Scientists unveil invisibility cloak
ROCHESTER, New York (PNN) - September 26, 2014 - Watch out Harry Potter; you are not the only wizard with an invisibility cloak.
Scientists at the University of Rochester have discovered a way to hide large objects from sight using inexpensive and readily available lenses, a technology that seems to have sprung from the pages of J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter fantasy series.
Hull-clinging robots could perform secret searches of boats
CAMBRIDGE, Massachusetts (PNN) - September 26, 2014 - Maritime smugglers will often hide contraband in false hulls or propeller shafts within their boats. While there are ways in which port authorities can search for such stashes, the smugglers often have time to ditch their illicit goods before those searches can be performed. However, what if there were stealthy, inexpensive, underwater hull-hugging robots that could check the boats out, without the crews even knowing they were there? That's just what a team at MIT is developing.
Apple will no longer unlock most iPhones and iPads for cops
Won’t unlock devices even for search warrants.
CUPERTINO, Kalifornia (PNN) - September 18, 2014 - Apple said Wednesday night that it is making it impossible for the company to turn over data from most iPhones or iPads to terrorist pig thug cops - even when they have a search warrant - taking a hard new line as tech companies attempt to blunt allegations that they have too readily participated in government efforts to collect user information.
Scientists grow fully functioning organ inside a mouse from scratch
EDINBURGH, Scotland (PNN) - September 1, 2014 - Scientists at the University of Edinburgh have grown a fully-functional organ inside a mouse; opening the possibility of one day manufacturing compatible organs for transplant without the need for donors. Using mouse embryo cells, scientists at the MRC Centre for Regenerative Medicine created an artificial thymus gland with the same structure and function as an adult organ.
Fermilab experiment will attempt to answer whether we actually live in The Matrix
CHICAGO, Illinois (PNN) - August 31, 2014 - In what may be one of the most mind-bogglingly surreal experiments ever floated, scientists at the Fascist Police States of Amerika Department of Energy's Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory (Fermilab) will attempt to discover if the universe is "real" or merely a holographic 3-D illusion that we just think is real. Using high-powered lasers, the scientists intend to determine if space-time is a quantum system made up of countless tiny bits of information.
Microsoft defies court order to give emails to FPSA government
NEW YORK (PNN) - August 30, 2014 - Despite a federal court order directing Microsoft to turn overseas-held email data to fascist federal authorities, the software giant said Friday it will continue to withhold that information as it waits for the case to wind through the appeals process. The judge has now ordered both Microsoft and federal prosecutors to advise her how to proceed by next Friday, September 5.
Ebola spread inhibited by Nano Silver
Medical Director of the Natural Solutions Foundation Dr Rima Laibow claims she found a natural cure for the deadly disease and today we are asking her about Nano Silver, a natural resource she claims is the cure for Ebola, which she says is known by the Amerikan Gestapo Department of Defense division as a cure for Ebola.
Astronauts just found life in outer space and scientists aren't sure how it got there
MOSCOW, Russia (PNN) - August 26, 2014 - Russian cosmonauts have discovered something remarkable clinging to the outside of the International Space Station: living organisms.
The microscopic creatures appeared during a space walk intended to clean the vessel's surface, and were allegedly identified - incredibly - as a type of sea plankton. According to Sploid, Russian scientists are both "shocked by [the] discovery and can't really explain how [it] is possible."