GENEVA, Switzerland (PNN) - June 18, 2016 - One thing you may know about particle physics experiments is that they're enormous. The Large Hadron Collider is five or so miles in diameter, big enough to circle some towns. Stanford's Linear Accelerator is two miles long. Scientists are hoping a new experiment will lead to far smaller but still extremely powerful accelerators.
First test for machine that could change the future of particle physics
Robot that can choose to harm humans sparks artificial intelligence debate
LONDON, England (PNN) - June 13, 2016 - Fear of man-made machines is growing as they become stronger, but Alexander Reben says his new invention shows we need to prepare for the worst.
A robot that has the capacity to decide it will inflict pain on humans has been invented - breaking one of the standard rules for artificial intelligence.
Robot that can choose to harm humans sparks artificial intelligence debate
LONDON, England (PNN) - June 13, 2016 - Fear of man-made machines is growing as they become stronger, but Alexander Reben says his new invention shows we need to prepare for the worst.
A robot that has the capacity to decide it will inflict pain on humans has been invented - breaking one of the standard rules for artificial intelligence.
Google is quietly recording everything you say
Here’s how to hear it, delete it, and stop it.
MOUNTAIN VIEW, Kalifornia (PNN) - June 5, 2016 - Thanks to a function of their search software, Google could have years worth of your conversations recorded, and you can hear it for yourself. Your cringe-worthy history can be heard and viewed along with a list of all your searches, at your personal Google history page.
NBC predicts we will all have an embedded RFID Chip by 2017
Freedom lovers beware! NBC recently aired a report predicting that by 2017 RFID chips may be embedded under the skin of Amerikans to facilitate identification. While the report doers briefly mention concerns over personal privacy posed by this existing technology, it primarily focuses on the conveniences created by implemetation of such a system. Tom Costello reports.
Tech firm will transfer human consciousness into robots
MELBOURNE, Australia (PNN) - May 29, 2016 - An Australian startup tech company has announced plans to work on a way of transferring a person’s consciousness into a robot’s body so that people can continue to live after their bodies have died.
Mind-reaching machine could soon turn your secret thoughts into speech
Device eavesdrops on the voices in your head.
LONDON, England (PNN) - May 28, 2016 - A mind-reaching machine that can translate thoughts into speech is coming closer to reality.
The research has been ongoing for several years, and recently scientists successfully managed to playback a word that someone is thinking by monitoring their brain activity.
Shape-shifting touch screens can morph on demand
BRISTOL, England (PNN) - May 27, 2016 - Imagine if when you launched a gaming app on your smartphone, the device could automatically morph into the shape of a console. Then, if you received a text message and needed to respond, it could transform itself back into a phone.
Cops can now take your phone after being stopped and search it using a Textalyzer
ALBANY, New York (PNN) - May 23, 2016 - As government continues to expand, finding ever more ways to feed itself through taxation, it seeks to justify this burgeoning existence.
New York is a leader in developing laws and regulations to protect us from ourselves, perhaps most famously with the Big Apple’s attempt to ban-large size sugary drinks. The Empire State has the highest cigarette taxes in the nation, which fuels a black market, and it places heavy restrictions on other “sins.”
Scientists find link between dark matter and primordial black holes
GREENBELT, Maryland (PNN) - May 25, 2016 - While most scientists believe that the elusive substance known as dark matter is comprised of extremely massive exotic particles, one NASA scientist believes that it might actually be made up of black holes formed during the very first moments of the universe’s existence.