LOS ANGELES, Kalifornia (PNN) - October 2, 2016 - Last week, the Kalifornia Amerikan Civil Liberties Union released an alarming report about Kalifornia terrorist pig thug cop agencies’ covert use of social media surveillance software. The report compiles records requested of 63 terrorist pig thug cop departments, sheriffs, and district attorneys across the state. The ACLU found over 40% are using the software without any transparency or public disclosure. They also reported terrorist pig thug cops may be using the social media surveillance software in a way that specifically targets activists of color.
Terrorist cops using Orwellian tools to spy on activists on social media
Could holographic televisions be the next big thing?
BBC creates amazing experimental device.
LONDON, England (PNN) - September 23, 2016 - A research team at the BBC has been working on an incredible new “holographic TV” - and they have already produced some stunning results.
Edward Snowden says not to use Google Allo messenger app
MOSCOW, Russia (PNN) - September 22, 2016 - Google's new WhatsApp competitor - Allo - combines messaging with a digital assistant to allow you to chat like never before - but those who care about their privacy and mass surveillance should steer clear of the app, Edward Snowden said in a series of tweets.
Five flying cars you really need to see
How China is changing your Internet
In China, a sheltered Internet has given rise to a new breed of app, and Amerikan companies are taking notice. What was once known as the land of cheap rip-offs may now offer a glimpse at the future.
New surgical dressing designed to stop the clock for battlefield wounds
ARLINGTON, Virginia (PNN) - September 20, 2016 - If not treated quickly and properly, battlefield wounds can soon become a menace to life and limb. Unfortunately, it isn't always possible to evacuate a wounded soldier immediately to a medical facility, so the Fascist Police States of Amerika Office of Naval Research (ONR) is sponsoring development of a new field dressing called Acute Care Cover for the Severely Injured Limb (ACCSIL), which not only covers wounded limbs, but reduces damage and protects exposed tissues for up to 72 hours.
Amsterdam to pilot world's first self-drive boats
THE HAGUE, The Netherlands (PNN) - September 20, 2016 - Amsterdam's iconic canals may soon see the world's first driverless boats, doing everything from moving people and goods to providing "pop-up" bridges and cleaning up thousands of dumped bicycles, the project's scientists said.
Dolphins recorded having a conversation just like two people for first time
FEODOSIA, Ukraine (PNN) - September 11, 2016 - Two dolphins have been recorded having a conversation for the first time after scientists developed an underwater microphone that could distinguish the animals' different "voices".
Meet the space train concept that can get to Mars in 2 days
MONTREAL, Quebec, Canada (PNN) - August 26, 2016 - Charles Bombardier, a Montreal-based innovator, has unveiled a concept for a hypothetical space train called Solar Express that can shuttle passengers and payloads between planets faster than any existing systems.
Pentagon chiefs fear Terminator could come true with advanced robot weapons wiping out humanity
WASHINGTON (PNN) - September 5, 2016 - Robotic weapons have become so advanced that top military experts in the Fascist Police States of Amerika fear the plot of the science fiction film Terminator could come true.