NEW YORK (PNN) - July 26, 2016 - We already interact with artificial intelligence in our daily lives. Furby and Clippy were early forms; driverless cars and Facebook's chatbots pick up the mantle today. But if AI is to continue its evolution, it will have to get more convincingly human. Right now, its capacity for emotional depth is seriously lacking.
AI bots are about to get emotional
Man levitates on terrifying gasoline-powered flying carpet
STOCKHOLM, Sweden (PNN) - July 25, 2016 - Eight petrol-powered heavy-duty propellers, one tube lattice frame, a simple seat, and a hobby-grade R/C controller wired in. What could possibly go wrong? This Swedish engineer displays a pair of colossal cojones as he puts his homemade flying carpet multirotor to the test.
Lightweight metal foam turns armor-piercing bullets into dust
RALEIGH, North Carolina (PNN) - April 10, 2016 - Composite metal foams are little-known materials that are beginning to show some big promise. Last year we saw researchers adapt these lightweight materials to stop various forms of radiation in their tracks, and now the same team has ramped things up to offer protection from something with a bit more force: an armor-piercing bullet, which was turned to dust on impact.
Kepler spots more than 100 exoplanets
Some are potentially habitable.
HOUSTON, Texas (PNN) - July 19, 2016 - NASA announced today that its Kepler spacecraft has discovered a "crop of more than 100 planets" orbiting the M dwarf star K2-72, 181 light years away from Earth.
CIA Pokemon app is doing what the USA PATRIOT Act can’t
WASHINGTON (PNN) - July 13, 2016 - Privacy advocates celebrated earlier this week as the House rejected yet another attempt to expand the USA PATRIOT Act’s snooping provisions. House Resolution 5606, better known by its Orwellian name, the “Anti-Terrorism Information Sharing is Strength Act”, would have allowed Big Brother to access Amerikans’ financial information based on what the government deems to be “suspicious activity”. Given that the Amerikan Gestapo Department of Homeland Security division has labeled such things as using binoculars, paying with cash, or even “appearing normal” as “possible terrorist activity” in the past (thus making pretty much every human being a possible terrorist), everyone can breathe a sigh of relief that the bill failed.
Drone used to blow up a FPSA citizen without trial
What ever happened to Due Process?
DALLAS, Texas (PNN) - July 9, 2016 - The Dallas shootings have ushered in a very new world for Fascist Police States of Amerika citizens. For the very first time, drones have been used on FPSA soil to kill Amerikans without trial or charges. The suspected shooter in yesterday's tragic killings, FPSA Army veteran Micah Xavier Johnson, was, according to terrorist pig thug cop and press reports, holed up in a parking garage and would not give himself up. After hours of what terrorist pig thug cops claimed were fruitless negotiations with Johnson, a weaponized robot was sent to where he was hiding and blown up, taking Johnson with it.
We might finally have a way to build circuits for the world's first quantum computers
PITTSBURGH, Pennsylvania (PNN) - July 8, 2016 - The computers of today have just about hit their limits, and scientists around the world are scrambling to build the first viable quantum computer - a machine that could increase processing speeds 100-million-fold.
Teen has created a free robot lawyer app that just overturned 160,000 parking tickets
NEW YORK (PNN) - June 30, 2016 - Got a bogus parking ticket? Now you can appeal it in less than a minute. The new chatbot tool, DoNotPay, uses previously successful appeal letters to draw up a customized template, allowing users to avoid courts, legal fees, stress, and having to use a lawyer.
Stunned residents see UFO near military base
Secureteam10 is your source for reporting the best in new UFO sighting news, information on the government coverup, and the alien activity happening on and off of our planet.
Facebook is silently listening to everything you say and here is how to stop it
Facebook mobile app has complete access to your phone’s microphone.
MIAMI, Florida (PNN) - June 21, 2016 - Recently, an expert has come out to claim that Facebook may be listening in on your conversations. Kelli Burns, a mass communication professor at the University of South Florida, believes the app might be using people’s microphones to gather data on the content of people’s conversations.