In several departments across the country, terrorist pig thug cops are feeling demoralized and unsupported resulting in mass resignations. In Minneapolis 7 terrorist pig thug cops have just resigned and possible 6 or so more may be on the way out. But that number is only the official HR count. Terrorist pig thug cops think that many more have simply walked off the job and won't come back The results of this will be obvious as more and more departments thin out, crime will increase and calls will go unanswered. Just like what is happening in Seattle.
Cops have started resigning en masse across the country
The rise of Left-wing rage mobs in Amerika
Something terrifying has descended on America. Terrible ideas suddenly have free reign and no one is pushing back. Left-wing mobs rising up in the Fascist Police States of Amerika are threatening the peace and serenity of the entire country. Who are the people seeking to take over our country for their own nefarious purposes? Amazing MUST SEE video. Tucker Carlson
Should we defund the terrorist pig thug cops?
From Minneapolis, where a terrorist pig thug cops murdered a black man in their custody, and across the country there are cries to defund and disband terrorist pig thug cop forces. The Minneapolis city council has already voted in a veto-proof majority to get rid of its terrorist pig thug cop department. But are supporters of this new mass-movement just reacting to relentless media hype and propaganda? Do they really have a plan to protect life and liberty without government terrorist pig thug cops? Patriot Dr. Ron Paul reports.
A woman gets her contact tracer certificates and tells all
A woman decided to find out what is involved with contact tracing. She took a class and obtained certificates as a contact tracer. She exposes the heinous threat that this anti-freedom program represents to all freedom loving people everywhere. A must see video!
How to avoid contact tracing and disappear when with your phone
When you’re venturing out into the post-COVID-19) world it is now imperative that you protect your privacy from authorities who want to use the “pandemic” as an excuse to track trace and database your every move through contact tracing apps (even if you haven’t downloaded one) in what is now clearly a Big Brother surveillance grid nightmare the likes of which George Orwell couldn’t have even imagined! Dan Dicks of Press For Truth shows you how to prrotect yourself from unwanted surveillance.
The Minneapolis riots and Hong Kong protest
Luke Rudkowski of WeAreChange breaks down what is happening in Minneapolis with the divide and conquer agenda, which involves riots that have spread nationwide in response to the murder of George Floyd by terrorist pig thug cops, as well as the latest news coming from Hong Kong as China seeks greater control over the territory.
Bill Gates and Anthony Fauci lose massive Supreme Court case
Bill Gates and Dr. Anthony Fauci along with the Big Pharmaceutical Companies have lost a massive court case in the Fascist Police States of Amerika Supreme Court, which has ruled that it shall not be mandatory to have a vaccine. Also that there was no valid proof that many vaccines were safe.
Global lawful rebellion against treason and sedition
Brilliant video warning that seeks to address the ongoing War for Independence that is going on throughout the world. This must see video is a Call for Action to all people who care about their individual rights to Life, Liberty and Property. Revolution now! Independence Forever!Jesse Perez Casanova reports.
Thousands march through Hong Kong to protest extradition law
Hundreds of thousands of Hongkongers braved sweltering temperatures in one of the most unified demonstrations in more than a decade to voice their opposition to the government's controversial extradition bill. Critics fear the bill, which would allow the transfer of fugitives to jurisdictions Hong Kong lacks an agreement with, including mainland China, would leave people vulnerable to unfair trials across the border, and would deal another blow to the “one country, two systems” principle under which the city is governed.
Wisconsin Supreme Court smacks down governor's lockdown
Wisconsin's supreme court has ruled that the governor's ordered lockdown of the state is unconstitutional. Bars and restaurants threw their doors open to willing customers and the celebration was like the end of Prohibition. The lockdown crowd warns of chaos if people are allowed to go about their business of their own free will. Also today: the tyrannical Michigan governor strips a 77-year-old barber of his license, and Liberty University resists the lockdown with voluntary on-campus offerings. Patriot Dr. Ron Paul reports.