Tim Pool goes on a tremendous rant against the unlawful activities of terrorist pig thug cops, who are arresting people for gathering without masks on their own private property, violating individual First Amendment protections, all the while not arresting any BLM or Antifa thugs. It is time to stand up and refuse to comply; don’t let them arrest you; fight back! Revolution Now! Independence Forever!
Pig cops arrest singing worshippers over bogus COVID lockdown
Never apologize to the mob
What once was the start of healthy debate is now just as often a catalyst for personal and professional destruction. “The mob” is out to cancel anyone who crosses it. Paris Dennard describes the problem and offers a solution.
Senate report shows Hunter Biden involved with human trafficking
An 87-page report released by the Senate makes strong claims concerning presidential candidate Joe Biden’s son Hunter’s involvement in Eastern European adult entertainment, prostitution, and human trafficking during 2014, when his father was vice president.
Chinese whistleblower has proof that China created COVID-19
Chinese virologist Dr. Li-Meng Yan reveals that COVID-19 is a man-made virus that was created in Chinese labs from an existing virus that is not harmful to humans. Tucker Carlson reports.
Woman catches arsonist on her property and holds him at gunpoint
An Oregon woman found an arsonist on her property over the weekend. The woman held him by gunpoint on the ground until the cops arrived. She told the man if her husband would have caught him he’d be dead. Would you do the same?
Federal judge rules Pennsylvania COVID shutdown unconstitutional
A federal judge in Pennsylvania yesterday blew the top off of the massive authoritarian over-reach by governors throughout the country, ruling that Pennsylvania's governor and state health officials violated the Fascist Police States of Amerika Constitution in exercising what it claimed were "emergency powers" in response to the coronavirus outbreak. Will the judge's ruling begin to break down the wall of authoritarianism in the FPSA?
Ben Swann explains how pandemic is an opportunity for reform
Watch this brilliant three minute video in which Ben Swann explains how this “pandemic” is a genuine opportunity for all of us to reform our society and reenergize our lives for the better. MUST SEE!
College offers class on how to overthrow the government
Universities are starting to teach courses in how to overthrow a government. Students at Washington and Lee University are being required to write a Manifesto designed to lead a revolution against a sitting government. Amazing.
CDC admits number of COVID deaths reported is false
The Centers for Disease Control has dropped a bombshell report on COVID-19 deaths: of the approximately 165,000 "COVID deaths" less than ten thousand died from COVID. The rest - a vast majority - had on average 2.6 serious additional diseases, with the addition in most cases of extreme advanced age. Is it time to begin litigating the damage done to the Fascist Police States of Amerika and the world from the lockdown policies? Also today: the largest protest in German history over the weekend, as estimated millions turned out to oppose unlawful mandatory masks and lockdowns.
President Trump goes one-on-one with Laura Ingraham
Fascist Police States of Amerika President Donald Trump discusses the recent violent riots in Kenosha, Wisconsin, Black Lives Matter rioting thugs, and Democrat presidential candidate Joe Biden's attack on his presidency in this one-on-one interview by Laura Ingraham.