Microbiologist admonishes people to think for themselves

Submitted by Freedomman on Wed, 12/09/2020 - 22:23

Microbiologist Professor Sucharit Bhakdi discusses the false information being perpetuated concerning the non-existent COVID-19 “pandemic”. Professor Bhakdi admonishes people to think for themselves instead of just accepting the false rhetoric being promulgated by mainstream media and dictator politicians around the world. Laura Ingraham reports.

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How religious Jews are battling dictators Cuomo and de Blasio

Submitted by Freedomman on Wed, 12/09/2020 - 22:22

Like Rudkowski of WeAreChange interviews a Jewish man who has single-handedly taken steps to open up parks and recreation centers that have been unlawfully closed by New York dictators Governor Andrew Cuomo and New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio. Inspiring video shows that one person can and does make a difference.

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November 29 election update

Submitted by Freedomman on Wed, 12/02/2020 - 23:57

This report on the situation concerning the 2020 election fraud, Dominion Voting Systems, etc., is given in one of the most credible presentations I have ever watched. Simon Parkes reports.

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BBQ boarded shut by heavy terrorist pig thug cop presence

Submitted by Freedomman on Wed, 12/02/2020 - 23:56

David Menzies of Rebel News was on the scene at Adamson Barbecue for Day 4 of the ongoing Great Barbecue Rebellion. Owner Adam Skelly has been arrested and is having his bail hearing. Over fifty fascist terrorist pig thug cops were present to threaten and intimidate the crowd of peaceful people who are enjoying their fundamental rights to assemble at a barbeque.

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Georgia orders ballot audit as Sidney Powell releases the kraken

Submitted by Freedomman on Wed, 12/02/2020 - 23:55

Georgia has ordered a comprehensive ballot audit. Meanwhile Georgia Secretary of State Stacey Abrams refuses to verify voter signatures on absentee ballots. Also, attorney Lin Wood has announced that Sidney Powell is officially releasing the kraken. Dr. Steve Turley reports.

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Unlawful mask mandates are all about exerting control

Submitted by Freedomman on Wed, 11/25/2020 - 18:41

Dan Dicks of Press for Truth exposes how the unlawful mandatory mask orders sweeping throughout the world are simply methods of exerting unconstitutional and dictatorial control over the lives of people.

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CNN panics as vote certification in key states in doubt

Submitted by Freedomman on Wed, 11/25/2020 - 18:41

In this video, we’re going to look at how CNN’s coverage of this ongoing campaign reveals increasing anxiety over the election results, how both the courts and the legislatures in Michigan and Pennsylvania are signaling that they may indeed refuse to certify their results, and why a number of experts are predicting that President Donald Trump may indeed successfully bring this election into the House of Representatives, all but guaranteeing his reelection. You are not going to want to miss this. Dr. Steve Turley reports.

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Attorney Sidney Powell discusses the election fraud case

Submitted by Freedomman on Wed, 11/25/2020 - 18:40

Attorney Sidney Powell comments exclusively on the claims that are going to be made in the legal battle to come over the presidential election results; with political analyst Mark Halperin. Rob Schmitt of Newsmax reports.

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Lawyers predict election will be overturned

Submitted by Freedomman on Wed, 11/18/2020 - 17:51

President Donald Trump lawyers and numerous legal experts predict that the 2020 presidential election will be overturned, as the evidence that they will be producing promises to shock the nation. In this video, we look at the ratchet up rhetoric of how Trump’s legal team says they’re ready to “release the Kraken” of evidence of voting improprieties, and how such a release promises to completely overturn this election unlike anything we’ve ever seen; you are not going to want to miss this. Dr. Steve Turley reports.

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US military seizes servers in Germany that show Trump landslide

Submitted by Freedomman on Wed, 11/18/2020 - 17:51

People on the ground in Germany report that Scytl, which hosted Amerikan election data improperly through Spain, was raided by a large US Army force and their servers were seized in Frankfurt. The Spanish software company Scytl, which sells election manipulation software worldwide that was used in the USA, is on the verge of bankruptcy. The server for the manipulation was in Germany. Raw data from the server shows President Donald Trump with 410 electoral votes. Checkmate!

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