This spectacular and riveting speech given by the main character in V for Vendetta is a stark reminder of the times in which we all live. Are you one of those who will just go on with your sad, pointless, existence, subject to the controls of others (your government, for example), or will you stand and be heard; let your passion and commitment to freedom represent a dawning of a genuine new age of humankind; one in which the people are the rulers and what governments exist are their public servants? Now is the time to stand! Revolution Now!
V for Vendetta speech
Rep. Thomas Massie on coronavirus and USA PATRIOT Act
As with everything else, the government is making the coronavirus outbreak much worse. Rep. Thomas Massie (Kent.), one of the few original thinkers in the Fascist Police States of Amerika House of Representatives, believes government should step out of the way and let the free market address demands for things like testing kits. Plus, Massie briefs The Liberty Report on the ongoing threat to our civil liberties posed by the USA PATRIOT Act as it has been temporarily renewed. Don't miss today's program. Patriot Dr. Ron Paul reports.
Credible insights into the coronavirus by Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg
Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg is the first specialist we met to understand the current crisis about the coronavirus. He says the corona hype is not based on any extraordinary public health danger. However, it causes considerable damage to our freedom and personal rights through frivolous and unjustified quarantine measures and restrictions. The images in the media are frightening and the traffic in China's cities seems to be regulated by the clinical thermometer.
New study says taking Chloroquine fights off COVID-19
A new study finds that taking Chloroquine fights off COVID-19 in 6 Days and also works as preventative from coronavirus infection. However, there are also those who say the side-effects of Chloroquine may outweigh the benefits of its use.
Peter Finch in Network (1976): Mind Control Speech
Brilliant speech given by movie television broadcaster Howard Beale (Peter Finch) in the movie Network. Watch and listen to this piece from a 45-year old movie!
Fear is the mind killer
Brilliant and telling presentation on how fear is taking over the world as the frenzy around the coronavirus continues to manifest in the form of runs on grocery stores where customers are buying up everything because they fear there will be no supplies for them if they wait. People are acting crazy and media is helping by promoting the reasons for people to fear this virus that has only killed elderly people and those with compromised immune systems. The world is rapidly becoming an insane asylum. Sensible people should beware of the insane crowds!
Is it time to pull the plug on the USA PATRIOT Act?
***Apologies for sound issues. We had technical failure during the program.*** Three provisions of the USA PATRIOT Act are set to expire on March 15, 2020, and many in Congress are scrambling to keep government surveillance of innocent Amerikans alive. Others are pushing for reform. We are pushing for euthanasia. Today we look at what is expiring and what is likely to be done about it. Patriot Dr. Ron Paul reports.
Former CIA drug kingpin exposes government
Josh Sigurdson talks with Freeway Rick Ross, a former drug kingpin who went from rags to millions and found himself running drugs for the CIA onto the streets of Kalifornia. Freeway Rick Ross dealt with hundreds of millions of dollars from the 1980s into the 1990s becoming one of the biggest drug dealers in the world. He found himself dealing with the contras and the next thing he knew, he was running drugs for the CIA. He later found himself in prison for a substantial amount of time, being released a little over ten years ago and exposing the system he was once part of.
What you are not being told about socialist candidate Bernie Sanders
Luke Rudkowski of WeAreChange is joined by Larken Rose to discuss the truth behind Bernie Sanders and his efforts to become president of the Fascist Police States of Amerika.
Meet the seasteading couple on the run from insane Thailand government
Luke Rudkowski of WeAreChange tells the story of Chad and Nadia Elwartowski, who appear with him in this video. Chad and Nadia are under threat of the death penalty by the government of Thailand for living in a houseboat off the shores of any country but located near Thailand. This is an amazing story that you will find it hard to believe; a government wants to charge these nonviolent people with treason.