Checkpoint of the future takes shape at Texas airport

Submitted by Freedomman on Wed, 07/04/2012 - 19:21

Goal is to make government intrusion invisible to citizenry.

DALLAS, Texas (PNN) - June 21, 2012 - Cameras capable of tracking passengers from the parking garage to gates to the tarmac are a key first step in creating what the airline industry would like to see at airports worldwide: a security apparatus that would scrutinize passengers more thoroughly, but less intrusively, and in faster fashion than now.

It's part of what the International Air Transport Association (IATA), which represents airlines globally, calls "the checkpoint of the future".

The goal is for fliers to move almost non-stop through security from the curb to the gate, in contrast to repeated security stops and logjams at checkpoints.

After checking their luggage, passengers would identify themselves not with driver's licenses and paper boarding passes, but by scanning fingerprints or irises to prove they have an electronic ticket.

The key to speeding up checkpoints and making security less intrusive will be to identify and assess travelers according to the risks they pose to safety in the skies. The so-called riskiest or unknown passengers would face the toughest scrutiny, including questioning and more sensitive electronic screening. Those who voluntarily provide more information about themselves to the government would be rewarded with faster passage.

Security officials are reluctant to describe what would trigger more scrutiny. Chris Cole, Love Field’s security manager, says the cameras could help with something as simple as finding the driver of an unattended car in front of the terminal.

"Now I can start tracking where that person went," said Cole.

Ed. Note: This system is designed to make surveillance less noticeable, meaning people will get used to being scrutinized by fascist government thug officials because they will be less aware of it. This represents a direct attack on personal liberty and individual privacy rights. It is time to overthrow the fascist thugs who are unlawfully occupying our once free country! Revolution Now! Independence Forever!