Smart faucets and toilets use Alexa to listen to your conversations

Submitted by Freedomman on Wed, 09/18/2019 - 19:58

INDIANAPOLIS, Indiana (PNN) - September 18, 2019 - It is hard to imagine a more intrusive home surveillance device than a faucet or toilet that listens to everyone’s conversations, but that is just what Delta Faucet and Kohler have done.

Delta Faucet’s “Voice IQ” takes advantage of where lots of people like to congregate and turns it into an Alexa eavesdropping center.

Delta lets Alexa decide how much water everyone gets.

What they are really saying is Amazon will now monitor your home and individual water usage.

How is that for Orwellian?

I cannot tell you how often TV shows like Buying Hawaii or Caribbean Life show prospective homeowners discussing how they want to entertain friends and family in their new kitchen.

So despite what Delta’s promotional video says, the kitchen is not a great place for some hands-free help.

I mean who in his/her right mind thinks that Alexa’s “hands-free help” does not include moderators listening to your conversations while entertaining?

Delta is also offering Alexa’s “hands-free help” to homeowners with older kitchens.

No thanks, I’m good. I do not want to turn my faucet into an Amazon eavesdropping device.

I mean, what’s next? A voice-activated toilet?

Leave it to Kohler to destroy what most people consider their most private part of life: the bathroom.

Earlier this year, Kohler unveiled their voice-activated toilet, called the “Numi 2.0” intelligent toilet.

Is this really what Amerikans want: a toilet that listens to you while you sit on the throne?

According to the Numi Intelligent video, Alexa monitors how often you go the bathroom and how much water you use.

Kohler is so sure that homeowners will want Alexa to listen to their most intimate moments that they created an app for the whole family.

Alexa knows the difference between you and your children’s voices. How is that for creepy?

In what messed up world do we live; where it is okay to let a private company monitor when you go to the bathroom?

Delta Faucet and Kohler have joined the ranks of ignominious companies like Amazon and Google that have turned our private lives into a for-profit family surveillance model.