WASHINGTON (PNN) - March 12, 2019 - Has the Fascist Police States of Amerika military come up with a perfect system to solve all our problems at the southern border? The military has introduced a new weapon called the “Active Denial System.”
You may not have heard of the ADS, which has been a topic of debate for over a decade now. The non-lethal deterrent system has been labeled by both military personnel and press alike as a “pain ray” - which is a catchier way to refer to it than ADS. Military officials described it as a “non-lethal, directed-energy, counter-personnel weapon.”
Compared with most military vehicles, the device looks relatively harmless - like one of the broadcasting trucks you see outside big sporting events: an anonymous-looking military transport with what appears to be a square satellite dish mounted on top. But it contains an extraordinary new weapon, capable of causing immense discomfort from half a mile away without - its makers claim - doing any lasting damage.
The ADS works by projecting a focused beam of 3.2 mm wave electromagnetic radiation at a human target. This heats the water and fat molecules on the skin, causing their temperature to rise by up to 122 degrees Fahrenheit.
The Pentagon released an FAQ, which explained, “The Active Denial System is needed because it’s the first non-lethal, directed-energy, counter-personnel system with an extended range greater than currently fielded non-lethal weapons.”
“Most counter-personnel non-lethal weapons use kinetic energy (rubber rounds, bean bags, etc.). A kinetic-based system has a higher risk of human injury, and its effectiveness varies in relation to the size, age and gender of the target. The Active Denial System, however, is consistently effective regardless of size, age and gender, and has a range greater than small-arms range. The Active Denial System will provide military personnel with a non-lethal weapon that has the same effect on all human targets,” the FAQ states.
The system can hit targets at 700 yards.
That’s impressive, but even more so is how the military says it could be deployed.
“The Active Denial System will support a full spectrum of operations ranging from non-lethal methods of crowd control, crowd dispersal, convoy and patrol protection, checkpoint security, perimeter security, area denial, and port protection, as well as other defensive and offensive operations from both fixed-site or mobile platforms,” the FAQ states.
That means that it could be used in the event of a large group of people trying to force their way over the border - something that’s always a concern when it comes to caravans. This is basically
high-energy invisible wall.