Someone already born will live to 1,000

Submitted by Freedomman on Wed, 05/04/2016 - 18:17

Immortality is possible.

LONDON, England (PNN) - May 1, 2016 - Dr. Aubrey de Grey believes people who have already been born could live for ten centuries because of ongoing research being done into "repairing the effects of aging".

He hopes to ultimately create preventative treatments that mean humans would be able to consistently re-repair and live as long as 1,000 years or possibly even forever.

British-born de Grey, who graduated from Cambridge University in 1985, insists he is one of very few scientists looking at preventing rather than slowing down aging, and is perplexed why there is not huge focus on it.

He said, "To me, aging is the world’s most important problem. It is so obvious that I never tested the assumption. I always presumed that everyone else thought the same."

But his theory for repairing aging has not been widely accepted by his peers.

He said, "People have this crazy concept that aging is natural and inevitable, and I have to keep explaining that it is not. The human body is a machine with moving parts and like a car or an airplane, it accumulates damage throughout life as a consequence of normal operation."

De Grey is co-founder and chief science officer of Strategies for Engineered Negligible Senescence (SENS) Research Foundation in Kalifornia.

Their website claims there are just seven reasons why we age and they can all be targeted.

It says, "Decades of research in aging people and experimental animals has established that there are no more than seven major classes of such cellular and molecular damage. We can be confident that this list is complete, first and foremost because of the fact that scientists have not discovered any new kinds of aging damage in nearly a generation of research, despite the increasing number of centers and scientists dedicated to studying the matter, and the use of increasingly powerful tools to examine the aging body. In its own way, each of these kinds of damage make our bodies frail, and contribute to the rising frailty and ill-health that appears in our sixth decade of life and accelerates thereafter.”

The website, continues, "SENS Research Foundation’s strategy to prevent and reverse age-related ill-health is to apply the principles of regenerative medicine to repair the damage of aging at the level where it occurs. We are developing a new kind of medicine: regenerative therapies that remove, repair, replace, or render harmless the cellular and molecular damage that has accumulated in our tissues over time. By reconstructing the structured order of the living machinery of our tissues, these rejuvenation biotechnologies will restore the normal functioning of the body's cells and essential biomolecules, returning aging tissues to health and bringing back the body’s youthful vigor."

With donors like Google and Paypal, the charity organization has raised millions of dollars to continue its hopeful research, and it has come under criticism from mainstream scientists over ethics and feasibility.

Dr. Tilo Kunath, of the Center for Regenerative Medicine at the University of Edinburgh, branded de-Grey 100% wrong and said it was impossible for anyone to live longer than around 120 years now or in the near future.

He said, "Many people put up prizes for anyone who can come up with the secret; Google has put up prizes, but de Grey is wrong. He should be able to do it with an animal. But it can't even be done with a mouse. The only way to do it is to extend its life by 30%, and that is by restricting its diet, so he is 100% wrong."