MILAN, Italy (PNN) - June 18, 2014 - The tablets, phones and laptops we carry on us are, more often than not, always on. This also means that many of our activities are easily tracked and that hackers and government agencies have almost instant access to our information if they really want it.
So what can you do to protect yourself from this nosy behavior? If you’re familiar with the concept of the Faraday cage, you probably have an idea. A Faraday cage is a device made of a conductive material, such as metal, that blocks things like electromagnetic waves and signals. The CHBL Jammer Coat is basically a wearable Faraday cage for your body.
It looks a lot like something Gandalf might wear. Constructed from metallic fabrics, the Jammer Coat effectively blocks radio waves and signals from tracking devices. It comes with multiple pockets for your tablets and phones, keeping them safe and invisible from electronic spying.
The cloak is also meant to hide your body shape by creating an “illusion of strange multiple body parts, which hides and frees the individual physicality.” It fits like a Snuggie, so if you want to maintain your privacy and still be fashionable, this probably isn’t the coat for you. If you live in a warmer climate, this coat will probably be uncomfortable. Finally, although the Jammer Coat’s purpose is to keep you invisible, you will probably stick out like a sore thumb if you actually wear it in public.
However, this coat is one of the first in a long line of clothes and devices that offer us security from those who would spy on us.
The Jammer Coat will be on display at the exhibition “Abiti da lavoro” taking place in the Triennale in Milan in the end of June 2014.