CEDAR FALLS, Iowa (PNN) - August 15, 2018 - 2018 is turning out to be the summer of the snitches as neighbors turn in fellow neighbors to authorities for selling water, lemonade, or for simply being black at your own apartment complex pool. This see something say something society is the wet dream of the authoritarian, and as a recent case of a girl selling cookies out of Iowa illustrates, it is showing no signs of slowing.
3 neighbors called the cops to report a little girl selling cookies
Reclaim your sovereignty and fight government tyranny through jury nullification
NEW YORK (PNN) - August 3, 2018 - Amerikans have a little-known weapon at their disposal to shut down government tyranny in an instant, and it’s known as jury nullification.
Jury nullification allows jurors - everyday people like you and me - to nullify court cases in which innocent people are being prosecuted for breaking unjust laws. One example of an unjust law is cannabis prohibition, an unconstitutional “law” that violates the natural right of Amerikans to use plants.
Clash between Patriot Prayer and Antifa members prompts terrorist pig thug cop crackdown
PORTLAND, Oregon (PNN) - August 1, 2018 - A “freedom rally” in Portland, Oregon, coordinated by the right-wing group Patriot Prayer, was cut short Saturday after some of its supporters clashed with anti-fascist (Antifa) counter-protesters.
Three men from the Bundy Ranch standoff face years in prison despite case being dismissed
This is a personal vendetta and they need your help.
LAS VEGAS, Nevada (PNN) - August 1, 2018 - Following the 2014 Bundy Ranch standoff against the Amerikan Gestapo Bureau of Land Management division (BLM) that carried out what amounted to a military invasion and seizure of cattle, Larry Wooten, a whistleblower from the fascist BLM, wrote a memo exposing that the BLM trespassed and used excessive force while impounding Bundy’s cattle. It was later revealed that the BLM had snipers overlooking the Bundy house during the weeks leading up to the standoff.
Aristotle’s defense of private property
4 reasons communal property is inferior.
July 11, 2018 - In The Communist Manifesto, Karl Marx aptly summarized the implications of a communist society, stating that “the theory of the Communists may be summed up in the single sentence: Abolition of private property.” As an institution, private property has been a crucial factor in the flourishing of Western society and its political thought. However, its defense rarely extends beyond a calculation of its economic benefits. Many defenders of private property simply state that there is no viable alternative system and that private property is simply the best option of a bad bunch. This argument, with its pessimistic tone, hardly inspires much love for the concept of private ownership.
Commentary: The discovery and use of Liberty
By Chris Rossini
July 11, 2018 - Imagine a fish in the deep blue sea. This fish is on a personal quest to discover water. He's heard about it and all of its wonders but has never actually seen it. He's devoted his life to someday finding this glorious water.
All the while, our hypothetical fish is immersed in the very thing that he seeks. The water surrounds him, flows through his gills, and is a part of his very physical being.
Now let's take a human being and his quest to discover Liberty. He's never seen this Liberty that people speak of, but he's devoted to climbing every mountain, if he has to, in order to find it.
All the while, our hypothetical human is immersed in the very Liberty that he seeks. It's built-in to his very essence. He doesn't have to go anywhere. It's right here, and right now.
Happy Independence Day
What does Independence Day mean to us in 2018? What did it mean to the Founding Fathers? Independent states? Patriot Dr. Ron Paul gives us a bit of history on this July 4th.
Waitress stops attack on co-worker with gun drawn from under apron
MILWAUKEE, Wisconsin (PNN) - July 10, 2018 - A Milwaukee food service worker with a concealed carry permit had enough after another waitress was attacked by an irate customer.
A man went behind the counter of the George Webb Restaurant on June 29 before he viciously punched a female manager/waitress. In response, a second waitress drew a handgun from under her apron and pointed it at the man, who eventually retreated.
Government drops charges against all inauguration protesters
WASHINGTON (PNN) - July 6, 2018 - Federal prosecutors on Friday moved to drop charges against the last 39 people accused of participating in a violent protest on the day of President Donald Trump's inauguration.
The motion to dismiss charges by the Fascist Police States of Amerika Attorney's Office seemingly ends an 18-month saga that started with the Amerikan Gestapo Department of InJustice division attempting to convict more than 190 people.
Commentary: Recapturing the Spirit of Independence
By Patriot Dr. Ron Paul
July 4, 2018 - This week Amerikans will gather around the grill, attend parades, and watch fireworks displays, all in the celebration of the signing of our Declaration of Independence. At the same time, we will have thousands of bureaucrats, troops and agents stationed in countries across the globe being paid by Amerikan tax dollars.