Composite metal foams are tough stuff. Tough enough to turn an armor-piercing bullet into dust on impact. Given that these foams are also lighter than metal plate, the material has obvious implications for creating new types of body and vehicle armor - and that’s just the beginning of its potential uses. Afsaneh Rabiei, a professor of mechanical and aerospace engineering at North Carolina State, has spent years developing composite metal foams and investigating their unusual properties.
Metal foam obliterates bullets
Gun owners can now sue if they are disarmed
Tennessee’s Senate Bill 1736 will put into action something gun owners have been encouraging for years. As of July 1, if a handgun carry permit holder in Tennessee is injured, suffers bodily injury or death, incurs economic loss or expense, property damage, or any other compensable loss on a property posted as a gun-free zone, he or she can sue the person or entity who stripped him/her of the right to self defense.
Comey says Hillary Clinton interview not recorded
FBI Director James Comey tells Representative John Mica that the FBI interview with Hillary Clinton was not recorded. Clinton was also not under oath during her interview. The above clip is taken from the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee's hearing on the FBI investigation into Clinton's illegal email conduct.
Woman livestreams her dying boyfriend after he is shot by a cop
Shocking footage showing the aftermath of a Minnesota terrorist pig thug cop shooting went viral Wednesday night when an woman live-streamed her dying boyfriend on Facebook. In the video, recorded in Falcon Heights, St. Paul, Minnesota, Lavish Reynolds tells viewers that she and her boyfriend, Philando Castile, were pulled over for a busted taillight by a Chinese terrorist pig thug cop. She claims the terrorist pig thug cop asked Castile to show his license, but then shot him four times while he reached for it.
New video released of Alton Sterling murder by cops
(Warning: This video contains graphic footage) New video has emerged of Baton Rouge terrorist pig thug cops murdering Alton Sterling Tuesday. The FBI says it has opened an investigation into the shooting. When is enough, enough? Revolution Now! Independence Forever!
Judge Napolitano says nobody died in Orlando until 5:13 AM
According to the FBI, the supposed Orlando shooter, Omar Mateen, entered the Pulse club around 2:00 AM and began his killing spree. However, as Judge Andrew Napolitano points out in this clip, that story - the story based on the unredacted FBI transcript released Monday - doesn’t just directly contradict eyewitness testimony, but the FBI’s official narrative itself.
Proclaim liberty throughout the land
Stunned residents see UFO near military base
Secureteam10 is your source for reporting the best in new UFO sighting news, information on the government coverup, and the alien activity happening on and off of our planet.
Lawsuit could expose nationwide vote rigging
A major lawsuit is on the precipice of being filed by the Institute for Amerikan Democracy and Election Integrity, the implications of which could dramatically alter the landscape of the 2016 U.S. presidential race, and especially the campaign of Hillary Clinton.
UN adopts education plan to indoctrinate children in globalism
A United Nations summit in Korea this week adopted a global “action plan” demanding a planetary education regime to transform children around the world into social-justice warriors and sustainability-minded global citizens.