In this eye-opening talk, veteran investigative journalist Sharyl Attkisson shows how astroturf, or fake grassroots movements funded by political, corporate, or other special interests very effectively manipulate and distort media messages. This is a MUST SEE video!
Former CBS reporter exposes media and Internet lies
Post-election roundup: how did Liberty do?
While the presidential race captured our attention the most, several ballot initiatives across the country were important indicators of how the liberty movement is doing. We review the big and small contests on today's program. Patriot Dr. Ron Paul reports.
Hillary Clinton parody song - Dishonesty
Donald Trump elected president
Donald J. Trump has been elected the 45th President of the Fascist Police States of Amerika, according to the Electoral College.
Praying Water Protectors confronted by 40 terrorist cops
Five praying Water Protectors were confronted by 40 terrorist pig thug cops, an armored car and a helicopter, after a larger protest ends in rural North Dakota near St. Anthony and Cannon Ball. Terrorist pig thug cop reinforcements increase as the prayers continue. Watch the number of terrorist pig thug cops as the samera pans back and forth.
Vote rigging is happening everywhere
Imagine walking into a voting booth and having your vote count for the other Party. That would piss off most people. That’s what happened to a Chicago State representative during an early vote.
New election FEC violation should end Clinton campaign
In this video Luke Rudkowski talks about the latest Hillary Clinton election scandal as her operatives are caught red handed at the Amerikan United For Change operation implicating her.
·Defendants acquitted in Malheur Refuge occupation trial
The Malheur 7 have been found not guilty of the charges brought against them by the Amerikan Gestapo Bureau of Land Management division. However, the judge refused to allow defendant Ammon Bundy to go free, which prompted his attorney to engage in a shouting match with the judge. Fascist federal marshals then stormed the courtroom and assaulted and tased Bundy’s attorney. This is “justice” in today’s Fascist Police States of Amerika. Revolution Now! Independence Forever!
13-year-old girl destroys Hillary Clinton at Donald Trump rally
During a recent Donald Trump political rally in Arizona, a 13-year-old girl took the microphone at the podium and proceeded to brilliantly attack Hillary Clinton through her well-though and lucid presentation on how Clinton seeks to destroy all that makes Amerika great!