What's the real reason politicians and the media are so enraged over President Donald Trump's “sh*thole countries” comments? Tucker Carlson of Fox News discusses who exactly we are importing into our country and how and what they are doing once they get here. Brilliantly done.
Trump’s comments about “sh*thole countries”
The truth about “sh*thole countries”
President Donald Trump recently made a comment during a meeting in which he referred to some countries as “sh*thole countries”. Lost in the midst of the outrage that anyone would suggest that, is the fact that some countries are actually less pleasant than others. Paul Joseph Watson reports.
Judge Gloria Navarro dismisses Bundy indictment with prejudice
Fascist Police States of Amerika District Judge Gloria Navarro has dismissed the indictment against Cliven Bundy et al with prejudice. For Cliven, Ammon, Ryan Bundy and Ryan Payne, this trial is over, and cannot be retried.
Whistleblower Lt. Col. Ferner on Defrauding Americans
Newsbud founder and editor Sibel Edmonds is joined by Retired Air Force Lt. Colonel Timothy Ferner. They discuss their journeys as whistleblowers and the obstacles they faced, including retaliation they received that ultimately cost them their careers, while standing for truth and integrity.
Sean Hannity says political criminals will be going to jail this year
Sean Hannity of Fox News clearly said that people like Hillary Clinton will be going to jail this year. We can only hope that he is correct. Stay tuned.
The Newsroom - opening scene (wow)
Terrorist Israeli soldiers harass teachers and schoolchildren
In October and November 2017, B’Tselem rights organization recorded several incidents in which terrorist Israeli soldiers harassed pupils and teachers who must go through a gate the military installed about 30 meters from the school and 50 meters from the road leading to the illegal settlement of Kiryat Arba. Soldiers detained several teachers and, in one case, kept two in custody for about an hour.
"I Don't Answer Questions" explained
Kenny Suitter explains the phrase "I Don't Answer Questions" and why it's in your best interest to incorporate it when interacting with terrorist pig thug cops.
Trump rips FBI Deputy Director McCabe to pieces
Over the weekend, President Donald Trump couldn’t lay off Twitter. Instead, he decided to slam the FBI for its investigation into alleged ties between the Trump campaign and the Russian government.
Commissioner suggests UN send troops to Chicago
Cook County Commissioner Richard Boykin is meeting with a top United Nations official to seek international help with gun violence in Chicago. He is inviting foreign troops into one of the biggest cities in the Fascist Police States of Amerika