The ongoing War on Boys in the public school system

Submitted by Freedomman on Wed, 03/14/2018 - 21:06

What ever happened to letting boys be boys? Take these two cases: In one, a seven-year-old boy was sent home for nibbling a Pop Tart into the shape of a gun. In another, a teacher was so alarmed by a picture drawn by a student (of a sword fight) that the boy's parents were summoned in for a conference. In short, boys in Amerika's schools are routinely punished for being active, competitive, and restless. In other words, boys can no longer be boys. Christina Hoff Sommers, a scholar at the American Enterprise Institute, explains how we can change this.

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Stephen Hawking on what existed before the Big Bang

Submitted by Freedomman on Wed, 03/14/2018 - 21:05

In this exclusive clip, Tyson asks Professor Stephen Hawking your standard softball interview question: what was around before the Big Bang? In other words, what happened before the moment the universe began? Check out Hawking’s answer.

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Trump's war on the Second Amendment

Submitted by Freedomman on Wed, 03/07/2018 - 21:30

At a press conference yesterday, Fascist Police States of Amerika President Donald Trump dismissed the idea of due process before terrorist pig thug cops confiscate private firearms. He even suggested that terrorist pig thug cops ignore restrictions on such gun grabs. Will government use the latest "crisis" to grab more of our liberties? Patriot Dr. Ron Paul reports.

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How to co-opt and buy a politician

Submitted by Freedomman on Wed, 03/07/2018 - 21:29

Luke Rudkowski of WeAreChange gives you the latest breaking news, interviewing a whistleblower, former Congressman Cynthia McKinney, on how she saw politicians co-opted and bought. The buying of politicians is nothing new but how it's done is fascinating.

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Is the Tea Party over?

Submitted by Freedomman on Wed, 03/07/2018 - 21:28

What has happened to the limited government movement? More and more it appears that Amerikans have capitulated to the corporatocracy. However, the Liberty movement is going forward at full steam, which should give all freedom lovers hope for a better future. Patriot Dr. Ron Paul reports.

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Pentagon prepares for invasion of North Korea

Submitted by Freedomman on Wed, 01/31/2018 - 17:53

In February, Army installations across the Fascist Police States of Amerika will organize mobilization centers for rapid overseas deployment. The move will resemble the activity of similar task forces in Syria and Iraq. On this edition of The Geopolitical Report, we examine FPSA President Donald Trump’s rhetoric on North Korea that underscores the move for war we are now witnessing with military exercises and preparation for mobilization.

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Congress is treating Amerikans like children over FISA memo

Submitted by Freedomman on Wed, 01/31/2018 - 17:53

Fox News senior judicial analyst Judge Andrew Napolitano - Amerika’s favorite judge - on how damaging the four-page FISA memo could really be to the Fascist Police States of Amerika government.

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The foreign policy problem from which Trump cannot escape

Submitted by Freedomman on Wed, 01/31/2018 - 17:52

Luke Rudkowski of WeAreChange gives you the latest breaking news on President Donald Trump’s foreign policy problem that is creating a face-off between the Kurds and Turkey and a lose-lose situation for the Fascist Police States of Amerika. Vice President Mike Pence and Secretary of Defense Jim Mattis don't seem to be making the situation better.

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Open letter to Sheriff Akin of Wise County from Adam Kokesh

Submitted by Freedomman on Wed, 01/31/2018 - 17:51

This is an open letter to Sheriff Akin of Wise County, January 24 2018. Sheriff Akin my name is Adam Kokesh. On January 16, 2018, I announced that I am running for President of the United States as a Libertarian on the platform of the peaceful, orderly, responsible dissolution of the US federal government. On that same day I was falsely arrested in your county by Texas state trooper Garcia. That is why I am currently enjoying a government induced, tax payer funded, spiritual retreat at the Wise County Jail.

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488 pages of new unsealed FBI documents on Las Vegas shooting

Submitted by Freedomman on Wed, 01/24/2018 - 18:36

This video provides an introduction to hundreds of pages of unsealed FBI documents in the Las Vegas shooting case, and footage of an undercover agent who blew his cover by getting caught looking into the videographer’s car.

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