Commentary: The Cost of Lack of Trust
By Dr. Tibor Machan
APPENZELL, Switzerland - October 7, 2010 - Over the last couple of days a bunch of announcements came from our government, including warning about travel to Europe where terror plans are said to be afoot by Al-Qaeda. Another warning came from the man convicted of trying to blow up Times Square – he said after he was sentenced to life in prison that Americans will be victims of terror big time. And I could go on but my point can be made with just these cases. I do not trust the warnings from our government although neither do I know them to be unjustified.
Commentary: The Cost of Lack of Trust
By Dr. Tibor Machan
APPENZELL, Switzerland - October 7, 2010 - Over the last couple of days a bunch of announcements came from our government, including warning about travel to Europe where terror plans are said to be afoot by Al-Qaeda. Another warning came from the man convicted of trying to blow up Times Square – he said after he was sentenced to life in prison that Americans will be victims of terror big time. And I could go on but my point can be made with just these cases. I do not trust the warnings from our government although neither do I know them to be unjustified.
Pentagon shrugs off killings of Pakistani troops!
WASHINGTON - October 5, 2010 - Pentagon spokesman Geoff Morrell today shrugged off last week’s killings of three Pakistani soldiers, calling it an “unfortunate incident” but insisting that the soldiers in the helicopters were “defending themselves” when they crossed the border and attacked the military outpost.
Pentagon shrugs off killings of Pakistani troops!
WASHINGTON - October 5, 2010 - Pentagon spokesman Geoff Morrell today shrugged off last week’s killings of three Pakistani soldiers, calling it an “unfortunate incident” but insisting that the soldiers in the helicopters were “defending themselves” when they crossed the border and attacked the military outpost.
840,000 lose health care provider due to ObamaCare!
WASHINGTON - October 1, 2010 - The realities of ObamaCare are exploding around us on a daily basis now. Yesterday, McDonalds announced the probability of the mega-employer canceling health care coverage for their 30,000+ employees. Today a major health care provider announced that they are getting out of the game entirely.
The Principal Financial Group announced on Thursday that it planned to stop selling health insurance, another sign of upheaval emerging among insurers as the new federal health law starts to take effect.
840,000 lose health care provider due to ObamaCare!
WASHINGTON - October 1, 2010 - The realities of ObamaCare are exploding around us on a daily basis now. Yesterday, McDonalds announced the probability of the mega-employer canceling health care coverage for their 30,000+ employees. Today a major health care provider announced that they are getting out of the game entirely.
The Principal Financial Group announced on Thursday that it planned to stop selling health insurance, another sign of upheaval emerging among insurers as the new federal health law starts to take effect.
New video game Homefront! MUST SEE!
This amazing video game trailer sets the stage just two years from now, with the death of North Korean leader Kim Jong Il and the appointment of his son as successor. The United States is undergoing economic turmoil and social devastation. The newly restored Korean Republic consumes Japan and invades the U.S.
Video: U.S. soldiers kill Afghanis for sport!
This disturbing video shows soldiers explaining in their own words how they murdered innocent Afghani civilians for sport. If you have a conscience this should make you feel like puking. When will you have had enough of the criminals in the United States government? Revolution Now! Independence Forever!
Tea Party movement emerges as major political force!
NEW YORK - September 29, 2010 - The Tea Party has emerged as a potent force in Amerikan politics and a center of gravity within the Republican Party, with a large majority of Republicans showing an affinity for the movement that has repeatedly bucked the GOP leadership this year, a new Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll has found.
In the survey, 71% of Republicans described themselves as Tea Party supporters, saying they had a favorable image of the movement or hoped Tea Party candidates would do well in the November 2 elections.
Feds radiating Amerikans with mobile X-ray surveillance vans!
ATLANTA, Georgia - September 29, 2010 - For many living in a terror-spooked country, it might seem like a great government innovation: Use vans equipped with mobile X-ray units to scan vehicles at major sporting events, or even randomly, for bombs or contraband.
But news that the U.S. is buying custom-made vans packed with something called backscatter X-ray capacity has riled privacy advocates and sparked Internet worries about "feds radiating Amerikans."
Federal agents are stopping trucks on major interstate!
DOUGLAS COUNTY, Georgia - September 29, 2010 - A team of federal agents stopped tractor-trailers on Interstate 20 just west of Atlanta, inspecting each truck as it passed through a weigh station, and Channel 2 has learned its part of a counter-terrorism operation.
Channel 2's Linda Stouffer reported a flashing sign on the interstate directed the trucks to pull into a state-owned inspection station near Lee Road in Douglas County at the height of the evening commute.
Fascist Files: FBI launching mass raids of antiwar activists’ homes!
WASHINGTON - September 24, 2010 - The FBI is confirming that this morning they began a number of raids against the homes of antiwar activists, claiming that they are “seeking evidence relating to activities concerning the material support of terrorism.”
So far there do not appear to have been any arrests related to the raids nor, according to FBI spokesman Steve Warfield, are there any expected. He also insisted that there were “no imminent threats” related to the antiwar organizations targeted. Some of the activists say they were ordered to appear before a grand jury, however.
Pakistan cuts NATO supply line!
ISLAMABAD, Pakistan - September 30, 2010 - Pakistan closed the Khyber Pass supply route for U.S. and NATO troops in Afghanistan after a coalition helicopter attack mistakenly killed three Pakistani soldiers at a border post Thursday, raising tensions in a vital relationship for both Islamabad and Washington.
NATO said its helicopters entered Pakistani airspace and hit a target only after receiving ground fire. The alliance expressed condolences to the families of the soldiers and said both nations would investigate the incident.
Obama’s closest advisers are leaving his regime!
WASHINGTON (PNN) - September 23, 2010 - In his nearly two years in usurped office, illegitimate President Barack Obama has relied on a very small clique of advisers that serves as his most trusted sounding board on politics and policy.
Members of his staff describe Obama as wary of outsiders and reluctant to widen his inner circle. As one of his advisers bluntly put it, the illegitimate president “doesn’t like new people.”
The Pentagon has a pedophile problem!
WASHINGTON - September 15, 2010 - The Department of Defense is no stranger to allegations of cover-ups. Whether it is the true motivation to invade Iraq or the many follies of the Vietnam era, the Pentagon is perhaps the most scrutinized edifice in the entire federal government (well, outside of Hillary's new haircut). What the Pentagon has not traditionally been seen as, however, is a place where a certain kind of moral depravity (the in-the-bedroom kind) is tolerated.
Government says no privacy in public places!
WASHINGTON (PNN) - September 21, 2010 - The illegitimate Obama regime has urged a federal appeals court to allow the government, without a court warrant, to affix GPS devices on suspects’ vehicles to track their every move.
The InJustice Department is demanding a federal appeals court rehear a case in which it reversed the conviction and life sentence of a cocaine dealer whose vehicle was tracked via GPS for a month, without a court warrant. The authorities then obtained warrants to search and find drugs in the locations where defendant Antoine Jones had traveled.
Google opens up about government requests and censorship!
September 21, 2010 - Governments interact with Google on a regular basis, and this has been known to make both privacy groups and users nervous. To address those fears, Google has taken the unusual step of broadcasting when its service is interrupted or a government requests information.
A simple site called the Google Transparency Report has been established to relay this information. On it, there's one page each to cover government requests, traffic, and frequently asked questions.
U.S. government hiding true amount of debt!
NEW YORK - September 20, 2010 - The actual amount of the U.S. national debt is much higher than the official sum of $13.4 trillion given by the Congressional Budget Office (CBO), according to analysts cited on Sunday by the New York Post.
"The government is lying about the amount of debt. It is engaging in Enron accounting," said Laurence Kotlikoff, an economist at Boston University and co-author of The Coming Generational Storm: What You Need to Know about America's Economic Future.
Scalia says Constitution provides no right to privacy!
SAN FRANCISCO, Kalifornia - September 19, 2010 - In comments foreshadowing how he might rule on the issue of homosexual marriage, Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia said he believes the U.S. Constitution doesn't provide protection from discrimination on the basis of gender or sexual orientation.
Do You Really Know the Constitution?
September 17, 2010 -Today is Constitution Day - a day specifically designated by an Act of Congress when Americans are supposed to honor the remarkable document that created our system of government. The date was chosen because the Constitution was approved at the original Constitutional Convention on September 17, 1787.
The act that created Constitution Day mandates that all publicly funded educational institutions provide educational programming on the history of the American Constitution on that day. Let’s see how well the schools have done their job.