NEW YORK (PNN) - June 6, 2015 - On June 5, retail giant Overstock became the first company to offer a corporate bond, valued at US$25 million, as crypto securities to qualified institutional investors. The offering is part of the company’s bitcoin blockchain-based initiative called Medici.
Overstock to offer 25 million dollar corporate bond as the world’s first crypto security
Company launches mood-changing wearable that zaps brains
LONDON, England (PNN) - June 2, 2015 - A newly-released headset hopes to wake people up or calm them down by manipulating the electricity in their brains.
Thync costs $299 and has just been released to the public. It provides “calm or energy on demand”, the company says, by using “neurosignalling” to activate nerves and change people’s states of mind.
Trendies ready for ultimate wearable chip implanted in their skin and used for payments
SYDNEY, Australia (PNN) - June 1, 2015 - The Mark of the Beast is more almost here than ever before.
The likelihood of a forced RFID implant under the guise of a martial law pandemic emergency might be a little too obvious, as far as future tyranny goes.
Before it comes to that, it seems that plenty of people will be voluntarily subjecting themselves to cattle-like status, by jumping at the chance to ditch the inconvenience of a wallet and get a “smarter” payment system that can be embedded under their skin.
Facebook just made a move that will infuriate terrorist pig thug cops
MENLO PARK, Kalifornia (PNN) - June 1, 2015 - Facebook has announced it is letting users add encryption keys to their profiles and opt in to have notification emails sent in an encrypted format.
The news comes as some Fascist Police States of Amerika surveillance powers expire and tensions rise between the FPSA government and the tech community over the use of strong encryption.
How the digital age is really affecting our brains
REDMOND, Washington (PNN) - May 19, 2015 - A comprehensive Microsoft study is offering insights into how living in the digital age is affecting our ability to sustain attention, and how our brains are adapting to the constant flow of new stimuli. Although the results confirmed the suspicions that the information overflow is affecting our ability to focus on one task for long periods of time, the news isn't all bad, as it seems we're also training our brains to multitask more effectively.
What people who worked on Google Glass think of Microsoft's crazy new holographic computer
REDMOND, Washington (PNN) - May 9, 2015 - At the end of April, Microsoft wowed developers and the media with yet another demo of its new HoloLens headset.
The HoloLens is essentially a computer you wear on your face. But instead of interacting through a keyboard, mouse, or touchscreen, the HoloLens projects 3-D images in front of you that you can reach out and touch. Based on the demos we've seen so far, it looks really cool.
What happens when our computers get smarter than we are?
Artificial intelligence is getting smarter by leaps and bounds - within this century, research suggests, a computer AI could be as "smart" as a human being. And then, says Nick Bostrom, it will overtake us: "Machine intelligence is the last invention that humanity will ever need to make." A philosopher and technologist, Bostrom asks us to think hard about the world we're building right now, driven by thinking machines. Will our smart machines help to preserve humanity and our values - or will they have values of their own?
Building work starts on first all-robot manufacturing plant in China’s Dongguan
GUANGDONG, China (PNN) - May 5, 2015 - Construction work has begun on the first factory in China’s manufacturing hub of Dongguan to use only robots for production, the official Xinhua news agency reported.
Most comprehensive map of the universe yet could pinpoint dark matter
WATERLOO, Ontario, Canada (PNN) - April 30, 2015 - Astrophysicists from the University of Waterloo have compiled the most comprehensive 3D map of our cosmic surroundings to date. The map describes how ordinary matter is distributed in space up to a distance of about a billion light-years away from us. This survey will help scientists better understand the distribution of dark matter and explain why, to some extent, galaxies are moving erratically with respect to us.
NSA sonic-wave weapon used in Baltimore horrifies Russians
BALTIMORE, Maryland (PNN) - April 28, 2015 - The Foreign Intelligence Service states in a new report today that they were “horrified” over the use by the Amerikan Gestapo National Security Agency division of a powerful mass-psychology weapon against unsuspecting Amerikan citizens yesterday in Baltimore, Maryland, which caused these people, who were mostly schoolchildren, to erupt in a crazed frenzy of rioting, burning and looting.