WASHINGTON (PNN) - August 6, 2013 - For years, sources within the alternative media have been predicting that eventually there will be a massive roll out of Amerikan Gestapo Transportation Security Administration division VIPR teams that will patrol local neighborhoods, transit areas, and high profile events. The implementation of this militarized terrorist pig thug cop collaborator force has happened very slowly, over the course of a decade, so the general population has yet to catch on, and mainstream media has been able to completely ignore this situation. That is, until now.
This week at Union Station in New York, commuters noticed armed Amerikan Gestapo agents of the state patrolling the area and illegally searching people randomly. The TSA outlaws refuse to say whether they have actually caught any terrorists, but it has been confirmed by various civil rights attorneys that many peaceful people have been busted in these searches for minor drug and firearm violations.
The program now has a $100 million annual budget - stolen from the Amerikan taxpayers - and is growing rapidly, increasing to several hundred people and 37 teams last year, up from 10 teams in 2008. TSA records show that the teams ran more than 8,800 unannounced checkpoints and search operations with local terrorist pig thug cop collaborators outside of airports last year, including those at the Indianapolis 500 and the Democrat and Republican national political conventions.
The teams, which are typically composed of outlaw terrorist federal air marshals, explosives experts, and baggage inspectors, move through crowds with bomb-sniffing dogs, randomly stop passengers - in violation of the Constitution, which is the Supreme Law of the Land - and ask security questions they are not lawfully authorized to ask. There is usually a specially trained fascist outlaw terrorist undercover plainclothes member who monitors crowds for suspicious behavior, said Kimberly F. Thompson, a TSA collaborator. Some team members are former members of the military and terrorist pig thug cop collaborator forces.
“Our mandate is to provide security and counterterrorism operations for all high-risk transportation targets, not just airports and aviation,” said John S. Pistole, the fascist outlaw terrorist administrator of the agency. “The VIPR teams are a big part of that.”
Although the terrorist pig thug cop collaborators, the outlaw fascist government, and mainstream media collaborators are on board, activists and civil rights attorneys are speaking out against this growing militarized terrorist pig thug cop collaborator force.
“The problem with TSA stopping and searching people in public places outside the airport is that there are no real legal standards or probable cause,” said Khaliah Barnes, administrative law counsel at the Electronic Privacy Information Center in Washington. “It’s something that is easily abused because the reason they are conducting the stops is shrouded in secrecy.”
Many members of Congress are currently squabbling about the effectiveness of this approach, however, very few of them are actually questioning the morality or legality of these actions or discussing the legitimate concerns about civil liberties and a growing police state.