Commentary: Interview with a parasite

Submitted by Freedomman on Thu, 08/22/2024 - 14:12

by Eric Pautos

August 13, 2024 - Yesterday, there was a knock at the door - so I went to see who was there. I knew it wasn’t any of my local friends because they all know it’s ok to open the side door and holler to see whether anyone’s home.

It’s a country thing.

Well, it wasn’t a friend at the door. It was a parasite. A two-legged leech hired by the county to “assess” the value of other people’s property, so that the higher-up leeches can decide how much money property owners (sic) “owe” the county - for “services” they didn’t ask for, don’t useand object to being made to pay for out of their own pockets.

Such as the “services” of this parasite who appeared at my door to “assess” my property.

Attention Property Owners reads the little notice the son-of-a-bitch left on my door.

“In accordance with state law, a reassessment program is underway for the purpose of equalizing real estate assessments. A research assistant or appraiser from the Reassessment Office visited your property in connection with this program.”

The casual effrontery of it is truly astounding. Shake your head as a dog does when he’s wet and try to get it straight. Some geek shows up to decide how much what you thought was yours is worth so that the worthless leeches who sent him can “assess” how much you will pay them in order to be permitted to retain what amounts to conditional possession of what isn’t your home.

It is their home.

If that was not so, they could not tell you what you “owe” them. Only landlords can do that. More finely, you could kick the parasite off your land, if it truly was your land. Instead, it is necessary to be civil to this son-of-a-bitch and pretend he’s just a guy doing his job. Naturally, that is probably just what he thinks, too. Probably, he does not think of himself as a
son-of-a-bitch and probably isn’t, in the superficial sense that defines civility in a socialist society. The putative next vice president laid out the mentality exactly, equating socialism with “neighborliness.” By which is meant the socialist is nice as long as you obey… and pay.

It is the “neighborliness” of totalitarianism - where everyone’s a comrade - but friends are few. A friend asks to borrow a tool that you are free to not lend him. You lend it to him because he is a friend and because you know he’ll bring it back - or replace it, if he breaks it. A comrade says what’s yours belong to him - and he’ll help himself to it.

Amerika is full of such people now and most Amerikans don’t even realize that’s who they are now. Like this guy who showed up to “assess” the value of my home, that I paid for with my money. That I have worked to keep up - also with my money (and my sweat). Yet this guy feels
no compunction walking around my place with his clipboard, taking inventory of my place. An inventory he knows will be used to increase the “assessment” and thus, the amount of money I will be told I “owe” for God-knows-what as I haven’t to my knowledge incurred a legitimate debt to anyone.

But the schools!

Yes, indeed - the schools. Another plank of that vicious son-of-a-bitch (and parasite, too) Karl Marx’s Manifesto. Government schools. To inculcate in children the glib and casual civility of socialist “neighborliness”. Also, to provide the pretext for hat other plank of the son-of-a-bitch’s Manifesto: Elimination of property ownership.

Bingo. Check. Because that’s what you’re forced to write out once or twice a year in order to be allowed to continue to retain conditional possession of that which is self-evidently no longer your property. If that were not so, you would not be obliged to write that check once or twice a year, courtesy of Amerikans like the son-of-a-bitch who showed up at my door the other day and
all the others like him who think it’s right to “assess” other people’s property (sic) and that they are just doing their job.

Ed. Note: The property tax is assessed because you have voluntarily utilized government services that you are not required to utilize… the recordation of your ownership at the County Recorder or Registrar of Deeds. I owned 5 acres of real property in central Texas for almost ten years. I paid cash for the property and never recorded my ownership. I was never assessed any property tax and never needed to pay any property tax. This is not without risk because the government is staffed by criminals. For more information go to www.freedomradi,.us