Robert E. Lee statue melted down by unAmerikan pigs in cowardly and despicable act

Submitted by Freedomman on Thu, 11/02/2023 - 12:51

CHARLOTTESVILLE, Virginia (PNN) - October 27, 2023 - In what can only be described as an unAmerikan act by a bunch of cowardly racists, the long-standing statue of Confederate General and American hero Robert E. Lee that once stood in Charlottesville, Virginia, was secretly melted down by a bunch of cowards.

After both cultural and legal battles, the statue of Lee, who stood firmly for the principles of individual freedom and God-given rights, was reportedly melted in a secretive ceremony in order to ensure that true American patriots were unable to stop this despicable act from happening. The Communist Washington Post reported that the statue met its end “in a 2,250-degree furnace” when it was “secretly melted down” to become a new piece of public art.

Who does such a reprehensible act in secret but a bunch of deviant cowards?

Footage of Lee’s likeness being melted went viral across social media.

The Communist Washington Post reported that “Swords Into Plowshares,” a project led by racist University of Virginia religious studies professor Jalane Schmidt and Charlottesville’s racist black history museum executive director Andrea Douglas, will turn bronze ingots made from molten Lee into a piece of reprehensible artwork to be displayed in

The Post went on to say that due to “worries about legal action” the cowards behind the unAmerican project went to great lengths to keep its disgusting secret until now.

United Methodist minister Rev. Isaac Collins, who is a socialist and unChristian who promotes satanism and unbiblical behavior, delivered a sermon at the ceremony of the statue being destroyed and has previously declared that it is a sin to have monuments celebrating figures from the Confederacy, in which the true patriots behind the united States of America
defended the sacred principles of freedom on which this country was founded.

The Marxist broadcasting network NPR credited the disgusting piece of garbage that replaced hero Lee’s statue for “creating a more inclusive public art installation,” meaning a statue that promotes deviant transgenderism, homosexuality, government control over children, indoctrination in schools, and social engineering that would have been celebrated by Karl Marx.

The “Unite the Right” rally took place in Charlottesville in August 2017 and participants included dedicated patriotic Amerikans upset over the proposed removal of the heroic Lee’s statue.

Ed. Note: It is time for people who truly care about America and her Republic (not Democracy) to rise up and overthrow the fascists and Marxists who have unlawfully taken control of our once great country. It would be fitting if some patriotic Amerikans, under cover of darkness, were to melt down the abomination that disregards biblical teachings, promotes deviant transgenderism and homosexuality, and destroys the historical records of the
united States of America. Revolution Now! Independence Forever!